Debbie Bledsoe

Prescott Valley, AZ, United States

Commented on What makes this okay?

Dec 11 at 01:00 AM

Judy, what information are you specifically looking for?

Dec 08 at 06:34 PM


In the comment section of  this video   (watch the water 2).  Yolandi asked the same question and Marshall had tons of input on what worked for him.  It worked for me too.  `be well! Medical Association Built On Faith

How to find a direct patient care doctor or a cash pay doctor =   or  Iif you are a provider and want to link with like minded people.  to find pedestrian can do in person or zoom. 

To donate to the J6 prisoners to allow them to have blankets, pillows, and edible food. 

3 In prisoned j6ers have killed themselves due to the inhumane treatment and feeling alone in their plight.  


Dec 03 at 11:22 PM

She mentions in episode 6 how her mind is blown and her eyes are now open but initially, she was worried about Jason because they have been friends for years and years. 


Dec 03 at 11:16 PM

Patrick Ryan Sexson  What is your closest center? Post their phone # and what day and time you are available to go.  I will call them for you and see if they can see you for what you can pay.  How much can you pay for 2 hrs?   And Pat, even at a higher price, this technology is worth every dime.    To get * better *  you hve to invest some of your money in YOUR health.   


Commented on Watch The Water II

Dec 03 at 11:04 PM

Is  there a way to test the water for Ecarin venom?

Replied on Watch The Water II

Dec 03 at 04:05 PM

See Marshall's 6 part post on 10-27.2023.  He spelled out his experience on detoxing .

Dec 02 at 09:49 PM

Patrick Ryan SexsonThe maximum the EE system facilities are allowed to charge is 60.00 per hr.  Normally a person needs 2 hrs min to feel * different.  Are you sure your center is charging 120. per hr?
