Haley Powell

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jul 30 at 11:55 PM

What is the difference between transducing and MK ULTRA?

May 13 at 04:44 PM



May 12 at 07:27 PM

I highly recommend reading Jason’s book, Language of Energy. It’s beautifully written and is so useful for situations like yours 🥰 You ARE a healer and you are always in training 😉 What may feel limiting to your abilities, is actually showing you what it is that you can grow through. And remember, you’re never actually limited once you know and believe you are not ♥️ Sending my love and hugs to you!! The very fact you recognize yourself as a healer, I can truly feel the love and support you hold within and share with others. Beautiful work you are doing, Michael 🙏

Am I the only one who thought that it was strange that the English Channel referred to distance in “ Miles “ and not Kilometers? @22:19. Not discrediting the series as a whole, but I get skeptical with media clips very easily. Especially catching something like this 😅 Curious if anyone from that region can chime in and give their input.

Apr 11 at 09:46 PM

Not before 2019 but during 2019 in September I would wake up almost every night and my bones were vibrating. My fiancé couldn’t feel anything when he touched my arm. We just narrowed it down to panic attacks. It ended mid 2020. Still happens a few times a year now but not nearly as often. I now realize it wasn’t panic attacks 😆 but before 2019 I had several contact experiences and anomalies happen



Apr 11 at 06:27 AM

For everyone wanting to be recruited by TLS
TLS is one of MANY private organizations that are here to help serve humanity. The fact you want to be part of it means you already are. Live every present moment as if you are part of these organizations. The Universe will always guide you to your mission. I’m living proof of this and I know many of you are experiencing it as well. TLS and other organizations are trusting how the Universe is guiding them and that’s truly all you need too, for the experience of serving humanity.
I know inside we feel so far apart from eachother and have the pull to come together and work together, but trust the reason for this process. One of my favorite quotes is, “ If we are all alone, then we’re all together in that too. “ We will always be together in one form or another, sharing this experience, and working together 🙏
I send so much love to you all 🤍


Haha!! My sister and I can do rapid eye movement, since we were kids! I had no idea it was rare to do that 😲 Our Mom would tell us to stop or we would strain our eyes hahaha. And what it looks like is our eyes are shaking fast or vibrating 😆 unless that’s something else…still interesting to hear!

Jan 14 at 08:54 PM

My mom sent me to Ecuador when I was 14 to do community work. I visited Quito too. I had no idea 😭😭😭

Nov 26 at 09:52 PM

I will be there in spirit and I’m so thrilled for everyone that is going to have a great experience at this event 🙏


Commented on What makes this okay?

Nov 26 at 09:50 PM

The best way to look for information is to go within…but…there is a lot of free content out there. The most important content is available to anyone. The least important, fun perks, would be what is paid for. Understand that a lot of money still goes into production and it makes sense a profit still needs to be made. Again, you have access to so much knowledge. Important knowledge. It’s human to feel the FOMO, but you are always divinely guided and taken care of. If you are barely making it by, then I’m sure it’s a great thing you didn’t pay for special perks that you most likely did not need. I hope this helps your perspective in some way 🙏
