Haley Powell

Replied on Question for Ray

Sep 12 at 12:38 PM

Thank you, Zack! Very kind of you. I hope we can all find out soon 🤗 Would be pretty cool to know! So much love and light to you brother ♥️

Sep 12 at 09:39 AM

I’m shocked he said a specific name, Klaus Schwab. Very interesting


Sep 11 at 10:05 PM

Heyyyy 😁 Sorry, I’m new to this platform but I’m going to go ahead and dive in. Is it possible to ask Ray if he can confirm or deny, Commander Valiant Thor. It’s okay if he doesn’t know either, but it’s believed he came back in 1961 and is still here. Im curious if he’s part of TLS. I am having a lot of Synchronization with Val’s story ( I’m realizing ) and trying to understand the direction it’s pushing me. I came upon this platform for reason. Sorry I’m a little too open with my investigations 🤣


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 11 at 09:43 AM

To my understanding; no it’s technically not evil and is unfortunately necessary for growth in both the individual soul experiencing and as a collective. We as a collective chose this. Including many, many, other things. However, the goal is to rise above these doings in order to ascend or elevate.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Sep 10 at 11:01 PM

So….basically…humanity are the bad guys all along? We are the ancestors of everything and are other beings trying to heal us to finally reach unity? We are reptilians…we created them but made it seem they enslaved us? Maybe that’s why Greys work with reptilian because Greys are another future aspect of us? Hmmm my mind is running around so fast