Donald Ingle

Commented on TLS Update

Sep 23 at 10:20 AM

A warrior and soldier doesn't just sit around doing interviews, they actually go into battle and shed blood for the cause they are fighting for. You are not  a warrior or soldier, you are a spokesman.

Commented on The Great Awakening

Sep 23 at 08:38 AM

Americans can't even live the "American Dream" 

Commented on The Great Awakening

Sep 23 at 08:18 AM

We need to start killing every single one of these crazy evil people, starting with the top elites including Schaub, Gates,  ect ect ect ect ect ect and then we can finally start to ALL come together to make the WHOLE HUMAN RACE equal and better. #freethehumanrace

Commented on The Revolution | India

Sep 23 at 05:28 AM

are there any of these systems in or near ohio? I need to find one asap, ever since covid and getting the jab I haven't been the same health wise. I'm spiritually in tune, but I truly believe this is exactly what I need. 

Also once again, they are doing exactly what they are accusing you guys of doing. It's the liberals motto, they are the Hypocrite Party

It's the liberal snowflakes and the minorities/immigrants vs. Us the conservatives who want to make America and Americans great again and make America first. 

Commented on Shifting Perceptions

Sep 19 at 01:16 PM

their is static electricity, i wonder if there is a  way to use or tap into this type of energy or electricity to make electricity free. Or by using the ground or earth itself? These videos make you think and open your mind to endless possibilities. 

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Sep 19 at 11:52 AM

Is TSL another CIA opp? This does kinda sound like something the CIA would do. J6 was Nancy Pelosi's fault, she denied police and reserves help plus she said she's been waiting for this to happen so they can charge Trump and the patriots with trespassing. Plus the fbi and cia were both involved with J6

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Sep 19 at 11:04 AM

It's not a generalization of jews, it's the elite ones that own and run the news, banking, tv, and music industries that influence most of the population. 

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Sep 19 at 10:59 AM

Aren't the rich elite that want to destroy humanity the JEWS? The jews own and run everything