Donald Ingle

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 19 at 10:39 AM

So how do we get to the elites to take them out? and once we do that, won't someone in their family or bloodline just take over and keep doing the same thing? The people with all the money will continue to have all the money and how can we change that? 

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 19 at 08:45 AM



Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 19 at 08:43 AM

deanna baltieriwell your attitude doesn't help at all. I'm sure they know who is ready or a good candidate. It's not the free masons or illuminati 


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Sep 17 at 11:13 PM

why bother even talking about this which most smart people already know most of this stuff, but he isn't even willing to prove one thing. just someone else wanting media attention if you ask me

Sep 17 at 07:53 PM

I agree to having to use violence sometimes, but when you take out the head in this game they play another one will just take his place.  Be ready to fight, fight for your life literally. WWG1WGA