It’s like the red and blue pill concept..if you chose one or the other..I did not chose either.
Rachael strever
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Aug 08 at 02:20 PM
Hi cate,
Since you have no money and you are not able to get to places..this is what I would suggest to do…first off go outside and ground with the. Earth and feel that negative energy and feel it going down into the ground..when it happens feel positive thoughts in your self like all the goods things about who you are the amazing are strong resiltant and you have the uncanning ability to not give up..
Meditate every day, take detox baths with esp on salts, salt, borax, and baking soda..baths help are body’s to cleans what you eat if it does not feel right. Look into how foods effects our bodies..I would recommend a book called the plan by Lyn-genet she is amazing it help me a long time ago before I even found out about all about chakras and vibrations on how to open them..feel the positive ones..learn about plants and how they can help you heal as well..this is something I have been learning on my own..I found out about the ee system after I had been doing these just enhanced my energy and now I am learning about how to communicate to others without talking..because words are very powerful like a be careful in your words and you should be yourself..