Rachael strever


Mar 13 at 05:55 PM

What do you do when you find out you have the soul of Sofia in you?

Mar 10 at 11:38 PM

I can also feel when someone is lying to me..because emotions are the most important part of us and how we talk to people and the words. If you hurt a person with your words and pointing a finger at them. Be careful with your words to children and others. People who have Asperger’s lose a emotion meaning they do not understand it. Children who have adhd are smart, when you start to realize that. Autistic people need help with the system. If we start to realize what is inside of us all and the love we have for our children. If aliens do exist then I am done I am not afraid and not afraid of the devil. Or the chip. Leave the earth behind..always have pure unconditional love for others. Especially those that are different. Also do not forget to do the worm detox’s in your body it is essential for cleansing your body.

Mar 10 at 11:29 PM

Guess you all were not predicting me, by the way the stars of a women in the sky with Leo above her. My ex was a Leo and the year of 2017 I found out what my ex did to my daughter. The month trump became president was around the same time my ex went to jail. He is Spanish and he said he found Jesus when he thought I believed him. He was Catholic and went to the saints of Catholics church. I can feel a person emotions in there voice. Meaning I know the difference between a robot and a real person

Mar 10 at 11:22 PM

Covid was created to make the pharmaceutical company because diabetics, weight loss, breathing issues. The long lasting effect from Covid these things, the reason for people having health issues is because dr only prescribe medicine when a person shows signs or complains about something. We can heal our selfs when we know the right way of doing it. Doing 30 day detox, eating the right foods for our body’s based on allergies. The one thing that I have no issues with and never had the COVID shot. Nor will I ever. Because I know the truth about Covid ever since it started.

Mar 10 at 11:09 PM

The reason for 777 seven years since 2017, seven years of rapture, the seven days of the week. The times Muslim walk around the Kaaba seven times.

Mar 10 at 11:03 PM

There is a tree next to my apartment that I touch every day and express and feel love when I am around it and bring my stones as well. Now I have the terra hertz beads as well. It has new growth and I sit under it and touch it and meditate. Touching the ground and my bare feet facing the sun. Today I went to a place not to far from the quantum terra system and meditate around water it felt great listening to the birds and everything around me. Saw the plans with there trails and heard a bird, I said I know and got up and the bird went quite. Even my cat has been very observant around me more and more. Cats have vibrations as well..

Mar 10 at 10:52 PM

Then start caring and showing love because everyone is going to need it.


Mar 10 at 10:50 PM

I do not even need to be that close to the quantum terra system. I know all about the stones, the vibrations and energy from the sun and earth. The hz sounds and feeling your emotions

Mar 10 at 10:48 PM

If this is all true about Atlantic’s and the technology. The seers, the ability of being highly intelligent by the way medication is starting to go out of stock. People are starting to feel things as well. I have been talking to people thru my work. About all of this

Mar 10 at 10:31 PM

Including psychic

The rapture the prophecies

The devils gate in Mexico or South America

The eclipse is going thru ninieveh each state, thru a city called the rapture, hitting the serpants mount in Ohio. On the day of the solice the Indians are celebrating there ancestors at the mount of the serpant head.