Rachael strever


Mar 03 at 01:26 AM

I know how to heal the children..Jason shurka unifytv…I know how to heal everyone..by the way the women in the stars with Leo above her..my ex husband was a leo..because of finding the father with his little daughter a black and white one..finding the gateway project..my father was in the military for about two years. He use to have ham radios around me and my brother growing up..my brother use to talk about aliens growing up. Yes I was sexual molested as a child. My kids have grown up never to be afraid my ex who was a Leo…he sexual molested my daughter..

When I moved to Texas, passing Area 51 on my way from California..I am a Pisces..no rabbit hole..not doing anymore rabbit holes. I can feel my emotions, vibrating them. I learned the chakras, the hz sounds vibrations. Been learning them for the past five months. I am getting strong with my telepathic emotions and vibrating them. I can feel the quantum terra system as well all the electricity around me..how am I feeling all of this so very very very strong. Any show I feel people emotions in there voice..was Lilith or Eve the first women on this planet?

Feb 28 at 06:33 PM

I had my spiritual awakening



Feb 23 at 11:14 AM

When you finally understand the true meaning and codes of the Bible. The meaning of everything. Our body’s, allergy’s, and humans.
History, and cultures, and why things are happening and not the matrix’s.
You will open your eyes, technology is killing us, certain people are trying to kill us.
I am a empath and a muse, not because I created it as they say.
Maybe I have a soul, maybe I do not. But I was baptized at birth as a catholic, my father was baptized as Mormon. Let me explain something about life and how we were raised. The truth about the Bible, story’s. Psychology, allergies, history.
We all have the capability in us, we just need to figure out what and how to heal ourselves. When you start to understand you will see and feel it.
I have stood next to the ee system, I have spoken to people about the spinal flow, has to do with emotions. Healing and allowing our emotions and understanding our emotions.
When you have health issues, and allergies your body reacts to those things. The medical field has no idea because they no nothing about allergies much. But I finally do, and when you start to understand that allergies come in different ways. When you start to understand your emotions, and allergies. When you start to understand your own dna..especially the markers of your dna. You can finally start to heal your mind, your body, your energy. The code of the pyramids, history, the Bible, your love, your body.



Feb 21 at 12:22 PM

Coming into who you are?
I have finally realized who and what I am..I am a muse…

Feb 06 at 01:39 AM

COVID killed so many people because they could not handle the genetic mutation of it. Family lost there loved ones without saying goodbye. The manfucarures are going out of business. Spraying pesticide on our foods, man made food that is not healthy for us. We should be eating plants based foods. No meat, and we have the ability to be telepathic. Empath, the ability to tell when someon is lying, from the sounds of there voices. You can hear the emotion in there voice because I can.

Feb 06 at 01:17 AM

Then explain YouTube, what is on Facebook. Because if the pleidians are real the light workers are real. Because I have seen the technology. I have talked to real people who know that emotions is the key. Feeling that emotion of love..meaning we are all connected because of being one or because we are all telepathic. Or all of you messing with me,as a little girl my father had ham radios. There was a movie of a daughter talking to her father due to the house. A home that was haunted. Hz have been around for ages.if we are destroying this earth because of the technology then if what there saying that we are going to be chipped and Elon musk is creating the robots.

Feb 06 at 12:42 AM

I all ready understand my birth chart. Even astrology.


Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 09:05 PM

Rachael strever the Mayan calendar and what Jesus was hiding and why. If aliens do exist then I dare for them to come because if I get stronger meaning like wonder women according to the gods. Yahweh or Allah or like Zeus is the sun, and the days of the week.

Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 09:04 PM

Everything I have seen in my life has happened to me. The only thing I have not seen is alien ships, I have seen the Orion belt and the stars. The same ones over and over again..and I know astrology cause I grew up with a huge telescope.

Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 09:01 PM

Rachael strever I know how to fix everyone