Kayla Liebeck

Jan 26 at 12:36 AM

It may be a cleansing and a raise in your consciousness. Try to eat little. Don’t worry about water. You can go longer without it. On your tube there is a 3 AM prayer and meditations. Guided meditations. Stay in close contact with God. There’s a lesson here. Hard to know what right now maybe. I’ve gone through this several times. The spirit is swift and fast. Comforting. If you want I can show you these things and more. I can do long distance energy and light work. Will you accept that? I haven’t been on here in a bit and was led directly to you. Blessings. Remain calm. Acceptance. Forget everything and talk to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, archangels. Protect yourself with Gods shield. Archangel Michael Also. Try not to take anything. No meds. Except what you generally take. Jesus, Archangel Raphael are healers. Among others. There are Angels of the secret rays. Try to find it amusing. Laughing is great. Crazy I know. You will come out of this wiser and stronger. Much love.

Commented on Divine Intervention

Jan 23 at 05:03 PM

Hallelujah! Finally the truth. As Lennon sang , “just give me the truth”. All my life I’ve been poisoned. Physically. They could not brainwash me. Thank you Lord. Poisoned to death almost. Left me sick. They should be sued. My grand and regular parents had no clue. I did. I knew it was wrong. I was “ just” a kid. One that did not drink soda. Or eat ring dings and Oreos! Now I’m very sick. I have hope. My spirit is good. I have great wisdom. Let the truth out without killing people. I’ll take a bullet to let the truth out. lol. God bless us all. Keep the light. I’m a martyr for the light. It’s hard. Fine path. Sooo worth it.


Ray is very dear to my heart. I understand him well. He’s an eyeore type. That means he sees that all is vanity. Nothing new under the sun. Women? I learned that as the first mystery I believe. Catholicism had a magazine in the 50’s that explained our nature is higher than men’s. Interesting article. The mystery is different.

Shared. Hope to see Mr. Kennedy in our White House.


Jan 06 at 05:28 PM

I’m in a predicament. Probably similar. I’ve got to get away from the whole lot of people that you’d think have my selfless back. Sad to be my age and know that I have to leave love , for peace. I paid my karma. I am free. Makes me feel great. Perhaps we’ll meet up someday honey. Be true to you. 🙏🕊️🌍✌️

Jan 06 at 05:26 PM

No Bismilallah? Weird one to come across. Though not new at all. First and last. The Koran.

Jan 06 at 05:19 PM

Tory Smith? 12, 22 strand DNA. Hermeticism. Haven’t found gnosis yet. Nag hammadi and dead se scrolls though.

Jan 06 at 05:12 PM

Fantastic ! Are we allowed to print that out? Or is it copyrighted and for sale?

Jan 06 at 04:49 PM

Also. If you don’t like your life this time around find what you’ve done or not done in you last few at least. Karma does not often happen in the same life you’re in. That must be learned by many.

Jan 06 at 04:47 PM

But. If you have learned, as a wise old person, what your karma is, you may take a lot to fix it. Don’t complain though. lol. Rare people know their karma. More are learning it. Much of it can be burned away. Not all.
