Kayla Liebeck

Commented on THRIVE II

Dec 15 at 07:43 AM

My first conscious thought this morning was, “ why would anyone want to go to Religions Heaven If as above so below? lol. This show brought that on I think. I enjoyed it tremendously. Thank you.

Commented on THRIVE II

Dec 14 at 09:53 PM

Great videos. There’s names I wish you’d mention. Some can afford to stay hidden yet.

Dec 14 at 07:11 AM

Wonder where physicists think they get their intellect from? Even Einstein said he hated math. That’s why he had assistants do it. He just tapped into the universal intelligence and got himself some info. Very humble about the whole thing. Great humanitarian!

Commented on Third Eye Spies

Dec 14 at 05:54 AM

After watching through most of this it makes me trust John’s secret words more. Think if all psychics were right 💯! This world would be screwed even more. lol.


Commented on Third Eye Spies

Dec 14 at 05:09 AM

I haven’t watched this yet but Already, after reading comments have to say my 2cents worth. Psychics , mediums, angel readings are cool and entertaining and right on the mark. But the flip side, there always is , they can also alter destiny, kill, change a master plan. The apochryphon of John tells you that there will be a shifting up the right and to the left. They will never be 💯 accurate. You have your own higher self. Trust in it. I’ve never known, could be wrong, too many children going to the psychic realm or plane. There are reasons why. Only those that know they are safe enough should attempt that. 🙏❤️🕊️🌍

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 12 at 08:39 AM

Honey you can do it. Just pray for the help. Try a little everyday to do a little positive thing. Don’t sweat it if you have a bad day. Pick up and keep going. I have gone off narcotics many times on my own. At home. These were prescribed. I didn’t abuse them. But still. Addicted I was. I don’t know what you’re addicted to so be careful. Narcs can be done pretty safely alone. But alcohol , tranquilizers , and a few more are very dangerous alone. Patience. The spirit I find very helpful and swift with her love and help. Like a mothers wings around you. There are other special angels that help also. One will actually act as a med your addicted to to help you. Don’t fear. It’s doable. Love you. Blessings. By yourself is much more difficult. I have strong will. But there’s help out there. I know they make it seem easy to find and it’s not always. But you will. Please take some strength and love and light from me. Blessings.


Dec 12 at 07:36 AM

Not on life. I wish. It would be great to hear all 18 ghz can do to a person. Spontaneous abortion. Are you going to have Ray do something on astrology. That would be neat.


Dec 07 at 07:40 PM

I hope so. If he’s blue It’d be the biggest shock of my life. I’d have to rethink everything I’ve heard here! Lol

Replied on HEAL

Dec 05 at 06:17 AM

You have it within yourself to heal. Just grab hold of that truth. Trust and faith in God above as so below with yourself. Cancer is a great teaching tool. Sounds horrible I know. I left it to God. I did what docs wanted. But I prayed to ask what I should do to really heal. Right food. Right thoughts. It didn’t get easier for me immediately after. I went through some very dark years. Hard to fathom now. But glad I did. If you can find someone to work with free God bless you. But you have God and you. Don’t forget that. I agree with too many, and many just book taught , out there selling spirituality. Shame on some of them. I know they need to make money. But it is often a gift they are given to help heal, given is the word. They should pay it forward free also. Trust your own instincts for yourself. I’m a distance healer. Rarely hands on. I use light and energy. I’ve got a sense of you. I will send the right light and energy to make the right decisions for yourself and which to avoid


Dec 02 at 09:23 PM

Master time and space. Don’t rush or feel like it’s not going fast enough. Be at peace and forgive yourself everything. Much love and light.