Kayla Liebeck

Nov 22 at 09:15 PM


Nov 22 at 08:21 PM

Simple. Don’t trust the water. If you don’t smoke cigarettes get gum or the patch. The why files. On YouTube. Eat nightshade veggies. That’s what tobacco is. Many claim , many , many, claim nicotine is not addictive. There’s proof. It’s the additives , even in the papers. Look up when countries are saying they will be tobacco free. Very soon. Irony? No. Give them pot though. Much more tart in marijuana.

Nov 22 at 08:12 PM

China speak up! Those snake’s are your own.

Nov 22 at 07:58 PM

There’s many that have blown the whistle about this. Hillsdale college has papers that China wrote about us. They think it’s funny to say we won’t put snake venom in the needles. lol. Bird flue. Don’t eat turkeys and chickens. Look how cheap they are.

Nov 22 at 07:05 PM

Where do they think their lies and money will get them? lol. 😂

Nov 22 at 06:52 PM

This virus is no virus at all. Snakes.


Nov 22 at 06:42 PM

Kudos to my PCP! Hard to find honest men these days. Especially Doctors.


Nov 22 at 06:36 PM

Sorry to hear that. I took much slack for not taking any vaccines. Never had the flu except right after that shot at 16! Do not trust them. What was the shot , booster they lined us in school for? My parents weren’t notified.

Nov 22 at 06:18 PM

There is the Hillsdale College. They are fighting for this generations rights. God given rights. Go girl. Your in great company.

Nov 22 at 06:14 PM

Bless you. I’d take a bullet for truth. Please stay safe.
