Kayla Liebeck

Commented on DISCLOSURE

Aug 07 at 06:31 PM

So glad I subscribed to this. It taught me I wasn’t alone in knowing all this. I questioned everything as a child. One special night. In the full moon. In despair. I asked for the truth. Amazing thing happened. I fell to my knees. Gnostics would call it a grace. I received that night. No more path. I was on the road. Uncovered truths. This has helped me see. It was indeed not only me. As I knew there were more. Thanks to you all.


Aug 07 at 11:49 AM

I make no money off my words. Given freely. So far.

Aug 07 at 11:48 AM

Hope I can make it. I’m with you on this. Those numbers. Mean a lot. 24. In my Bible. And 1. King James.


Commented on The Time Is Now

Jul 24 at 01:19 PM

Tobacco? The anti dote. Patch. Low dose? One of them. Eat nightshade veggies? Clean water. Stop all meds.

Commented on The Time Is Now

Jul 24 at 01:17 PM

A lot is said of the delta variant. Like a gamble? Who got the poison. 😀

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jul 24 at 01:13 PM

I have long wondered when wars stopped being about religion and became more for money. Has it?

Testing spirits. I don’t. They are there. Treat them with kindness. No fear. Aliens are not new. They have been told of far longer than this century. Or the last even. Very little true evil in this world. Our source would not allow that.

I’m a witness too. No doubt. We are being watched. Helped. And fooled. There are portals even. I’ve been in one. Seems a second. It was much longer. A Deja vu it seemed. The position of the sun in the sky told me how long I was standing in one spot but was gone. I felt a wave. In Roswell. Born there. In CT. Daylight. Saw a spacecraft. Flying low. I thought nothing of it then nor now. Truth.


Feb 02 at 07:32 PM

After what I said before. I ended up with osteomyelitis. One hospital said I had cellulitis in my face. Sent me to trauma hospital by ambulance. There they drilled into my mouth , teeth too. No infection. BUT they infected my jaw bone. I pulled jaw bone , 2 inches , out of my own mouth. Took years to diagnose osteomyelitis. Then months of antibiotics , 5 times a day. They took out one whole side of my teeth. The ones filled with silver cavities. Poisoned. Then came cancer. 3rd stage lymphoma near the heart, mediasteinal. I lived! All from teeth and poison. Crazy world. Sick of chemicals and pharm companies. And the doctors and politicians that won’t speak up. Tell me. I sure will. lol.

Feb 02 at 07:13 PM

Haven’t yet watched it, about to. They took advantage of my grandmas money and me being a mellow child, my sis bit the dentist ! They filled teeth that had no cavities with those darn silver fillings 50 years ago. Been sick a lot of my life. I’ve been so poisoned all my life. Monsanto , Bayer, etc…. Now a chemo drug has messed me up so bad. The source, Spirit, Jesus, angels are all that help me now. Crazy. Plus that shot we all got in the 70’s. Crazy. Should put a skull and bone nest on my forehead for poison! lol. 😝
