Kayla Liebeck

Dec 31 at 11:52 PM

🙏. ❤️ your meditations.

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 31 at 08:43 PM

What lab or doctors are or have checked for avian flu yet? New set of symptoms out now. Calling it all Covid. I’m not 100% buying that.

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 31 at 08:40 PM

Of course it’s real. But what real to you is not the real to many. It’s not a virus. It was done on purpose. There’s way too many scholars, Dr.’s , PHD.’s , great colleges , chemists and more that know this. I suggest you read more. Seek more info. If you’d like ask me and I’ll send you major , real, and provable information that will change your mind. This is not conspiracy theorist crap. Masks do not help. Facts. More people died from Covid that had the vaccines. Facts. More people died of Covid that were non smokers. Crazy but true. Why? Because tobacco is non addictive , natural substance in the same class as eggplant, peppers , the nightshade group. And yes. Wearing a small amount of tobacco patch or chewing the gum was recommended. Saved lives. Look up Hillsdale college. Get their Imprimus publication. They won’t set you wrong. Have a blessed year and keep an open mind. Learn who to trust. It’s not the government and pharmaceutical companies.

🙏I need me for myself now. Thanks Jason.

Thank you. Brought tears to me eyes. I’d like to say one thing. To help you grow spiritually. I cringed when you said they looked like business people. Respectable people. And that you were expecting biker looking guys or guys with tattoos! I would trust a homeless drunk before I would a judge. That truly surprised me. I also don’t hold , like most, to the belief about first impressions. I’d give people at least three chances. I’ve met corrupt cops, judges, Doctors, of course politicians. Those in high power need to earn their respect with me. Nice clothes and a handsome smile and a college degree, or badge, whatever , the dark ones will always look their best and smile and be charming for that first impression. Please be careful who you trust by looks. Sorry. Your spiritual mom here speaking. Love you. Very blessed indeed we are to have you. Mom must be proud. 🕊️❤️🙏🌍🎆


Why can’t I have access to this?

Dec 18 at 01:20 AM

lol. Best meditation , guided , ever. Love this. The funny part? Your on hold because at 1:23 in the morn my dog had to go out! lol. I was so focused and in tune he had to bark loudly several times to get my attention! Thank you. Wonderful. You are good at this.

Dec 17 at 02:04 PM

Unfortunately we need to really fight this. We go to war for the government when it’s wrong. Many need to be willing to die to take on this evil in this world. I think the light in the world , God, spirit, angels, even ET’s , would help us. Many countries fight their governments. America never does. Except the 60’s. I can think of ways to hit them where the money hurts. Unfortunately they’ve got us where it will hurt many people. Get out in the street and fight. I’m willing to die for this. How many would be? We need more rich kids from rich families to help. Billionaires and millionaires could help. The things I know would hurt them the most , and many innocent, take our money out of banks. Stop paying wrongful taxes. Try to give up as many meds as possible. Refuse to pay IRS. Now that’s a tough one. Too many rely on social security. But it would work. They’ve got us. Lock , stock, and barrel. Certain jobs, just stop going to work for a while. If you can. Fight big pharma.


Dec 15 at 09:52 PM

NE CT. Need at least 1 tribe member! lol.


Dec 15 at 09:51 PM