Kayla Liebeck

Dec 02 at 08:05 PM

Transparency. A president not too long ago said that. He was right.

Dec 02 at 08:03 PM

I don’t see you as a blue pill guy!

Dec 02 at 07:59 PM

I’d do it too? Blessings and safety to you.

Dec 01 at 07:06 AM

Many old world countries kiss on the lips. The males.

Nov 29 at 08:37 PM

I’m gnostic. I don’t look at sex that way. I prefer to practice Tantra.

Nov 29 at 07:37 PM

Wow. That hidden knowledge is not so hidden anymore. We can all gain powers. Indeed may have some already

Nov 29 at 07:15 PM

It was too unbelievable right from the get go. The pres could have been charged with war crimes. Canada allowed it to go to court. Us would not!

Replied on Watch The Water II

Nov 29 at 10:58 AM

Me too! I noticed lately that they changed some Pharmacies too. amlodipine is from the same company as lisinopril. Just last month. Ugh.

Commented on Watch The Water II

Nov 29 at 10:55 AM

I am wondering if anyone knows a list of drugs not safe for anyone. Or a company , pharmaceutical, not to trust. Finding it harder to trust anything from China, India, and even Mexico.

Replied on Watch The Water I

Nov 29 at 07:29 AM

I worked in the medical field many years, many positions. I’ve seen the way people were treated that refused the Covid shots. Hospital itself and other healthcare places are the cause of many contagious diseases and viruses. And more even. I’ve seen enough to make most people very angry. The lies. The coverups. It’s a tough job , I really do know. But a lot of them don’t deserve to be hailed as heroes for doing a job. Same with Judges, police, politicians , doctors, etc…. Can’t group all of them in the same category either. You earn respect. By your actions and ethics. Not because you earned a degree and abuse a high position. Goes on too much. I’ve seen a lot. I’m not judging all of them. But many don’t deserve that pedestal they’re put on because they did their job while treating other very crappy.