
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 23 at 01:51 AM

I will join as well. Ready to die finally.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 22 at 05:19 PM

Its for a news purposes. Those entities like to fid themself with human scare. The the person is scarred the better meal for them as farrest I know.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 22 at 04:23 PM

Jay and Ray I would be delighted to be a part of team. Am 40 no kids no wife just my wee cat. Am ready to spent my life to fight with them as Iv seen and read some things myself.

I’m Tomek from Poland.

Cell: 07718934337


Check that URL:

Stay safe and happy lads


Oct 22 at 12:01 AM

Thank you guys for that video. Just assured myself that I’m not paranoid and knew that something bad is happening on this planet since I was born. How do I join TLS I wonder. We need a strong army of good people to fight them. There is just a few of them but they have lots of security (Police,Army and agencies with some wird signes driving around USA loaded with wird plastic boxes. The big boxes are black and smaller are white. In every single black box 4 adult people can be hidden inside. White are for kids. Both have a flat lid cover so you can stuck them one on each others. There are farms filled with them boxes already.. scary? Check what Hillary Clinton did with her pedofile assistant to a one year baby. Those are monsters not human beings. Let’s bring a balance to our Planet (I call it water not Earth). Stay safe and happy people. Love you all. Cheerio
