GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 09 at 04:55 AM



Apr 09 at 04:54 AM

We go into the darkness to find our light and learn how to use it and shine it. Darkness is necessary for light. One without the other is impossible and within our 3D reality it is the guidelines to experience.
The darkness is actaully more important and vital than the light is.. because in tge midst of darkness we learn to bring fourth the light.. r darkness is our best teachers.. it's where we learn to be who we've always been. ♥︎9⁹9♥︎


Apr 09 at 04:51 AM

Within the context of spirituality we create our personal religion to ourselves.. we can have the best of all worlds and not limit ourselves within a fear based or limiting based belief system but rather set our souls free and awakening our higherself and learn to embrace the divine oneness of our reality and the deep emotional connection that we have to everything around us. Spirituality is an adventure and religion is a destination. Today I an free.. I am alive.. I am love.. I am wild and I am free..


Apr 09 at 04:46 AM

As I've repeated time and time again.. as Bashar explains, the shadows is where you find your light.. it's where your forced to turn on your light so you can see.. or just keep wondering through the abyss.. darkness is necessary for light and without darkness there wouldn't/couldn't be light. The darkness is the true secret to what makes us loving, compassionate beings and without it we would cease to exist.. we would have no reality.. we live in a reality that without the darkness you would never know the light, love or compassion.. the darkness is what makes us human even though the darkness has been created to break us it usually makes us.. the further you go into the darkness the further you will slingshot out into the light.. without negative there would be no positive.. without evil there would be no good and without hate there would be no love. We, unfortunately, live in a polarized reality where there cannot be one without the other and until we realize that we are wondering in the darkness we will not realize we need to turn on the light and learnt to embrace it. Without darkness there would not he light. The darkness made me who I am today. I am light.. I am light to any and all darkness.. I am light..


Apr 09 at 04:30 AM

Which superpower would ypu choose???
I choose (shadow control)!!


Apr 08 at 03:22 PM

Oh dear baby jesus... X marks the spot right!?!? Well I'm pretty much right where the center of the X is.. and this is where religion gets creepy.. 😱😱😱😱😱😱


Apr 08 at 02:56 PM

Different ET species



Apr 08 at 02:56 PM

I think we are currently in 4d moving into 5d. Started at 3d but it's being lifted upon our reality slowly. It can't be removed to quickly. It would put us in spirtual shock. We are 5d beings. We were never supposed to experience 3d reality. That's my opnion. We are 5d beings returning to 5d reality. Where we belong. ♡⁹⁹⁹♡


Apr 08 at 02:53 PM

The mission


Apr 08 at 02:52 PM

All the bullshit we have been subjected too..