GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 08 at 02:51 PM

Ascension symptoms


Apr 08 at 02:07 PM

We create our reality through our thoughts, intentions and verbal words. I've been doing experiments on my plant with positive intentions and positive words and it has had a profound effect to the growth to my plant. We create and manifest our own reality so choose your words and thoughts wisely. ♡⁹⁹⁹♡


Apr 08 at 02:05 PM

This is how telepathy works. We are all connected and we are all one giant organism and the sooner you believe that the sooner you unlock the perception of homogenous. I practice on animals and I get a magical reaction. This is how it works. ♡⁹⁹⁹♡



Apr 08 at 11:44 AM

This is how they did Christ as well as many other great light shiners of our time.. the funny thing is.. the darkness tried to suppress the light but even though they're gone.. they are still shining through all the darkness. ⁹⁹⁹


Apr 06 at 09:21 PM

Part 2... the earth is flat. If it were a ball you'd see it. This is civilian footage and not the bullshit satanic cult NASA cabal feeding you lies in order to control narratives as well as yourself along with false ideology. They know the earth isn't round. They know that you don't know because you haven't seen it for yourself. They know that you've been indoctrinated as early as kindergarten with the globes in your class room. What's the best way to control a population.. start as early as possible with the kids.



Apr 06 at 09:14 PM

Part 1... the earth is flat. If it were a ball you'd see it. This is civilian footage and not the bullshit satanic cult NASA cabal feeding you lies in order to control narratives as well as yourself along with false ideology. They know the earth isn't round. They know that you don't know because you haven't seen it for yourself. They know that you've been indoctrinated as early as kindergarten with the globes in your class room. What's the best way to control a population.. start as early as possible with the kids.


Apr 06 at 08:34 PM

I'm not going to tell you what it says but tell me what you see in this photo taken by nasa that was posted on nasas' website in 2015 👀



Apr 06 at 08:29 PM

Earth's curvature debunked


Apr 06 at 08:00 PM

It's your universe from where you are the observer but is your higherself really okaying that you believe in non sense... I mean, it's your reality so you experience it how you prefer to. I know I want to live an honest and true life. The idea that we came from a big bang that potentially came out of nowhere makes no fucking sense.. but again, it's your reality. Experience how you ever so choose to.. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ if you have a smart phone with a smart camera go out into the Nighy sky and zoom in on a "star" and tell me what you see.


Apr 05 at 05:37 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Thoughts on this layout of (OUTER)space?? This makes more sense than a "big bang" theory that Noone truly knows anything about and then just simply came from fucking nowhere.. lol like if you can really sit there and make that make sense please do because it's so mush easier and rational to think of our reality as a creator that has created our 3D reality specifically for us. What's above so below. There is different dimensions and densities and parallel realities that are all connected.. there's universe with trillions and trillions of planets with allegedly no fucking hard evidence of other civilizations and its all just speculations as they've been scouring through the universe for decades and still haven't found anything.. it's all just bullshit and it absolutely makes no sense if you truly think about it. Whenever you were in kindergarten or first grade I'm sure you had a round globe in your classroom and that's when it all started.. wake up!