GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 27 at 10:45 AM

We are source learning about source through physical 3rd dimensional reality. Every second of everyday is a data point that reports back to the hard drive. Our reality is nothing more than code written and created by our Supreme Creator, Whether that be God,Source,Jesus,or a scientist looming over a petri dish. Everything is recorded and documented in a hard drive or the better known as the akashic records. If you truly think about it, it sounds like a computer program or how people write code for different programs digitally. And then all of that information is saved to a hard drive. And that's exactly what source is doing with our reincarnation process, learning itself by creating infinite possibilities with infinite amounts of experiences which routes information back to where it came from, the program coder (life cycles reincarnation),and the hard drive its almost like reincarnation is the same exact thing as recycling plastic, why throw it away when you can use it over and over again to gain perspective and information. It seems monotonous and kind of annoying but that's what it is folks.. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 27 at 10:30 AM



Mar 26 at 09:35 PM

[UNIFYD TV](/community/profiles/18336734) so i had a download and i think you guys should start considering advertising the community or the social aspect of the UnifydTV platform.. some people don't have money to pay for subscriptions but they could still be part of the community and connecte with like minded people to do like-minded things plus that would he good for your platform anyways because you'd be able to advertise your content through the social community part of the platform which would in turn rake people into the content but the social community aspect of the platform is not only what people are looking for but it's what they need and want. People want a safe place they can connect, grow, share, learn, love and share. Not sure how you guys could advertise the social aspect of the platform but I highly recommend you start using the community into the collective. Because people can join the platform and be a part of the community without actaully payimg for a subscription correct?? I know i got locked out of this account awhile back and had to create a new one and could pay the subscription fee but it still let me access the community and idk i jist feel like tgere is so much potential with this aspect of the platform. People watch the content and they wanna talk about it and ypu guys want people talking about it to. But just people knowing that they have a safe place to come and chit chat with other awakend people would/could be a game cha ger for them as well as you guys. The bigger you get the more people are going to come and the bigger the community is going to get and i just think you guys should advertise that the community is free and let people know what its for and what its about. Id do it before somebody else does it because people wakimg up to what type of money is in this awareness business. But just spiritual people knowing they have a safe place to connect for free is going to be so mcuh of a game changer for you, the collective, the platform and himanity. You guys would be like tge first spirtual facebook type platform and you guys would probably blow up like facebook in the spirtual communities. Idk.. its all tgere guys..idk about you but im thinking wayyyyyyy bigger than what we got going on right now.. People wanna connect. After covid people kinda just got depressed and I think alot of people shut down and they're loomikg for that spiritual connection and just the connection to other humans period. The community should be your crown jewels.. you could do so much with this social community aspect it's not even funny. Idl, I just had this download so I thought I'd share it with you guys.. love and light!



Mar 26 at 09:14 PM

Yuckkkkkkkkky 🤮 🤮 GITMO


Mar 26 at 09:13 PM

🚭 🚭 🚭 Hell no, we won't go!! Hell no, teslas got to go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, teslas got to go!! 🚭🚭🚭
I'm doing my protesting March and chant online because it makes me feel important!! I'm literally holding a picket sign with this chant on it walking back and forth chanting this to myself.. does that make me crazy?



Mar 26 at 09:10 PM

So what is he saying?? The tribunalsare almost over?? Or they are over or have they met there specific agenda?? I don't stay up too speed with it all because it's hard to get the truth and fact check everything constantly and I just don't have the time but if anyone could shed some light on this post Uncle Don made that'd be fantastic!


Mar 26 at 09:08 PM

Rat bastards..


Mar 26 at 09:08 PM

We already have this and we've been having this.. EES.. and other techs apparently they have all of a suddenly decided to let the public have. Ahhh, I wonder why!?! Because they wanna make a buck and try to take over the entire healing mechanisms market. To bad I don't trust them bastards.. I'd rather go with Jason and the lady that released the techs frequency generators. Can't wait till I get paid next week so I can go do me a session!! Whoot! whoot!!



Mar 26 at 09:05 PM



Mar 26 at 09:04 PM

And that's when the light workers come in. ITS TIME to wake up. We're going to be missing a lot people off.. I know I already have. When people get confronted with a truth or something that they have put alot of energy, emotion and time in they fuckimg lose it everytime.. I've been cussed out and called so many names.. and the only reason they get mad is because of all the emrgy they've put into something that was in reality false and wrong the entire time. People that are indoctrinated still have a rough time when confronted with the reality of our reality. Oh well..🤷🏽‍♂️ I'll keep being that spiritual alarm.. I don't push people but I do present irrefutable proof and once I shut them down I'm the terrible person and I'm trying to push my beliefs on them or I'm trying to carry out a false narrative when in all reality they are embarrassed and feel lower of a person because they have been brainwashed their entire life. I know I felt pretty fucked up for a couple months after I found out that our reality is 100% opposite of what they tell us.. I was kind of depressed for a couple days but not really myself or at least a month but then I finally came around to the ideas that we actually live in. It was hard and it wasn't easy and it was kind of emotionally, spiritually and psychologically tough on my being but I feel hell of a lot better now that I know the truth and I'm not living in a brainwashed indoctrination type reality. And some people are happy with that.. living in that type of reality. I know I'm not because there's so many other possibilities once you open up to the ideas and beliefs that I have come to understand and no. But yeah, time to wake up motherfuckers! I love all of my light working Unifyd being friends and acquaintances on here. Love and light! ♥️🫡💫