GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 26 at 07:38 PM

FACTZZZZZ.. idk about all the other planets though. I know anything we say we've seen is actually CGI because we've NEVER left the firmament and we can't leave the firmament. But yes, they are still fucking spending money on I guess it would be the "idea" of studying other planets.. maybe there studying the CGI photos and that's what takes trillions of dollars.. the pictures they create. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 07:15 PM

This though.. I watch the video where this man was explaining that the people that aren't social active people as far as they spend a lot of time alone and this gives them the power to be very different and unique thinkers compared to the regular average joe. That's not forgetting now that I did 9 months in solitary can find that 24-hour lockdown and every 72 hours I got out to take a shower which was a cold shower so I spent 9 months in a 8x12 cell and I spend a lot of time alone anyways. I feel energy and vibrations very strongly so it's hard for me to be around a lot of people because I can feel and read their energy and it's very overwhelming so I just kind of close myself off and do my own thing.


Mar 26 at 07:13 PM


Mar 26 at 07:13 PM

Seriously.. it's crazy. All of our voices have power. After all we are created frequencies with our voice followed by an intention. And that my friends is exactly how you speak telepathically. Same exact process only your using intention to transfer thoughts and emotions. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 07:11 PM

Wowwww.. 😳😲😮


Mar 26 at 07:10 PM

Lessons upon lessons upon lessons. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 07:09 PM

Thought this was Interesting


Mar 26 at 07:08 PM

🕒 👻 🕒 👻 🕒


Mar 26 at 07:08 PM



Mar 26 at 07:07 PM

All the above..