GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 26 at 07:07 PM

I'm a heyoka impact. Probably links back to my Native American heritage. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 07:06 PM

I'm very sensitive to death.. and I suppose that's why crows take a very profound I test in me.. almost like a darker psychic ability. Can anyone relate to whatever psychic category your in and does it resonate with you at all? ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 07:04 PM

Universe talk.. everyday.. it's so mysterious though isn't it!?! Like we're trying to always Crack a code while the universe sends us repeating numbers on a daily bases, daily downloads, lucid dreams and downloads from meditations. Also through animals for me.. birds are unusually attracted to me. They fly different ways through the air and do different Maneuvers and twists and dive bombs. I've even had them applied directly at me and get about a foot away from me and then fly above me. Definitely unexpected encounters.. with people on here and as well in my daily life and other platforms I'm involved in. But it's always a mystery.. you're trying to figure out what the universe means by the message they send you. It's crazy. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Mar 26 at 02:29 PM

Haters make you who you are.. you either let them destroy you or you campaign off of there intentions and energy.. and when you do this.. positively.. anything, I mean anything can happen. I love this job!
But this is prime example of meditation mixed with intentions and manifestation and how it truly works.. believe it to receive it. I did a manifestation meditation at least for 10 minutes minimum everyday for the last month and a half and I got a good paying job and it's actually super fun driving these things around all day and I don't have a boss breathing down my neck because I have orders and job duties to Phil but that's all me and it's a solo dolo tight position and I'm super grateful and can't wait to see what the future has in store.



Mar 26 at 05:40 AM

Started my new job today!! After not being able to work for almost 4 months it feels so relieving and great to be able to do some positive and responsible. I love this new job so much.. I worked a 10 hour shift last night and didn't catch myself looking at the clock as you would regularly at a monotonous job but this job is fast-paced and I have to use my brain frequently so it is kind of challenging which makes it not boring but more interesting and I guess this is what manifestation meditations do. I'm making pretty good money compared to what a lot of people make and I shocked pretty much everybody last night with how quick I learned how to do everything and how good I was at doing it so quickly. Not trying to be cocky but it does feel good to be able to do something right and I feel as if it is necessary to talk positive and good about myself. So fucking glad I have a job! Now I have to get to be investing in doubling, tripling and even quadrupling my money. I definitely have the money now to invest but don't really know much about it.. if anybody, that's not a scammer, knows how to invest in Bitcoin and the banking systems we are about to go into I would kindly appreciate some words of wisdom and possible suggestions! Today is a good day and things are only going to get better from here! Loving light to all!



Mar 25 at 12:13 AM

Nobody ever talks about this genocide.. we talk about the Jews and now we're talking about Hamas and the Palestinians but what about the entire country that was eradicated from the face of the earth reality? I am actually Native American and was raised around native American tribes growing up as a kid and my grandfather was full-blooded Cherokee Indian and would take me to powwow's and different Indian get togethers and even had them on his property with a select few Indians and I was initiated into the tribe at like 5 years old with the paint on the face and the drums and all the craziness LOL I was scared to death! But regardless, why does nobody talk about this? And now the Jews which were almost eradicated from the face of the Earth reality are creating their own Nazi Hitler's genocide as well.. I don't know.. none of this sits right with me. If anyone on the earth reality knows how it feels to have there homes and families destroyed youd think it would be the jews..but its like they are the nazis now..am i missing something or is this happening?? I seen a video the other day on tiktok and there was a jewish man dancing around dead Palestinian bodies siging that the Palestinians are an extinct species.. that is fuckin gross and disgusting. I haven't done my homework on tge whole shindig but i have done a little and what ive seen is disturbing to say the least. If anyone knows what it feels like you'd think the jews would have some type of compassion and sympathetic thinking and feeling but it seems as if thats not the case. Jews being eradicated by the Nazis wasn't right and the Indians being eradicated by the Europeans wasn't right and now the Palestinians and Hamas being eradicated by the Jews isn't right. None of it is right.. but the most obscene and grotesque genocide was to the Native Americans of North America which.. we gotta do better than this. And we owe the native American ls a country and generations of Trauma and despair. Maybe they should be running our government because obviously white and black Americans can't get the job done. All my opnions and opinions are like butt holes 🕳 everyone has them. Hope I don't offend anyone but this platform is supposed to be a safe place to share feelings, different beleifs and the truth and i feel as if this is the truth..my truth. 💯



Mar 24 at 09:41 PM

Yes..yes..yes..yes.. that is what has brought me right here 👇🏽! Right exactly where I'm supposed to be. Doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Talking, sharing and loving like minded people who do like minded things and I wouldn't have it any other way. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎



Mar 24 at 09:39 PM

Everyone has the power of being limitless.. we are taught at an early age to believe we are limited to certain aspects of who we are and that limits us from truly embracing our many many gifts that of including psionic and psychic abilities amongst many many other fascinating things but we can never truly learn how to use these gifts until we're open enough to accept the possibility that we are limitless superpower having beings. Once we truly wholeheartedly believe that we are limitless every door opens in the universe, and at that point my friend..you simply pick which door you'd like to walk though.


Mar 24 at 09:35 PM

👂🏻👂🏼👂🏽👂🏾👂🏿an old wise man once told me to take the cotton out of my ears and to put it in my mouth. HE SAID YOU CANT HEAR UNLESS YOU LISTEN AND YOU CANT LISTEN IF YOUR TALKING ALL THE TIME. SO SHUTUP AMD LISTEN!



Mar 24 at 09:33 PM

Connection.. when you can learn that you can connect to any and everything around you because everything is frequency and everything is vibration you truly unlock the unlimited power and potential of the universe. Whence you have arrived to that chapter in your life you have truly discovered self. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎