GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Mar 24 at 04:14 PM

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Mar 24 at 01:44 PM

This is my belief exactly. If your "God" will send me to hell because I don't believe, worship and pay for my redemption and liberation from evil then I don't want that "God". That is no "God" of mine!! My "God" which is SOURCE loves and accepts me for who I am and who I'm becoming. It doesn't threaten me with heaven nor hell.. it simply offers me love, light and unconditional love with a no matter what policy and i dont have to jump through ANY hoops to receive this type of love. Source gives it to me for free. Because thats what TRUE love actually is. You can keep your fear based and limiting based belief systems to yourself. I'm happy right where I'm at and I know when I leave this plain of existence I will float right into a beautiful place with beautiful people and I will be loved there and I will love back. You can go to hell and dream of heaven while I will simply enjoy the lavishes of heaven currently, as i have in my past lives and as i will going forward in time as well, i am love, i am light, i am possibility, i am probability, i am strong, i am courageous, i am beautiful, i am smart, i am wealthy and i am ME. I not need to do anything to please anyone or any "thing". And if I go to hell because I have that type of belief system then this supposedly all knowing and all seeing and ever loving God is not a very good God.. if your creator sends good people that have never hurt anybody, or murdered anybody, and all they've done is love, but they've never stepped foot in a church, and they've never directed or dedicated a prayer to this supposed God, then basically what the religions are saying is that they will go to hell .. that is brainwash, fear beliefs and limiting belief systems to the core. Nobody can argue with that. I'm not telling anybody that they shouldn't, or should believe in anything because I believe in people being able to believe, and do whatever, the hell they want, so long as they are not hurting anybody in the process. And they're not pushing their beliefs on me. And I am not pushing my beliefs on anyone in this post, but rather just expressing my opinion and my truth. Take it or leave it.. I am a good person. And that's all that matters!! β™₯︎⁹⁹⁹β™₯︎



Mar 24 at 01:39 PM

Everything happens because it is supposed to happen whenever it happens and there is absolutely no coincidences. Everything has been mapped out beforehand by ultimately our souls which are pieced off from source so Source has written the code for our reality within each and every person's soul in regards of past life present life in future life. We live in a matrix with absolutely no coincidences. So own that shit.. you've had to go through what you've had to go through in order to become who you were supposed to become. Now own that shit! You've been knocked down and you've been tore down and abused and used but now it is time to stand up and reclaim your freedom and dignity. Own that shit! People have hurt you and people have used you and now you are in the position too do anything and everything you ever wanted to do and nobody can stop you! Own that shit! Life has knocked you down over and over again but you have always gotten up and now you are at a place in life where you dictate your reality and you dictate your future. Own that shit! Today you are a light worker and nobody can put out your light because it is so bright! Own that shit! Today you are part of a family. The Unifyd family and you needn't go anywhere else for love and support because you get it here! Own that shit! Today you are a beautiful person! Own that shit! Today you can do anything you put your mind to.. own that shit! OWN THAT SHIT!!



Mar 24 at 01:33 PM

This is my intentional vibration I'm sending to my Unifyd family. May our vibrations and frequencies match out ideal state of being in this final week of March. I'm sending positive vibes and love and light to each and everyone of my brothers and sisters. May your families, friends and loved ones all be surrounded by your bright light and endearing love. This coming week will be a week of transformation not only for all of us but for Unifyd and TLS as a whole. Great things are on the horizon and things will only get better. Love and light to all of my brother and sister light workers. Let's shine some light, save some souls, and change humanity, to bring us into the age of love, 160 years before the projected date of 2192!!! Let's make it happen in 2024! I love you all. Let's light the world up this week. 🌞⭐️🫑πŸ₯°πŸ’«πŸ’•



Mar 24 at 01:23 PM

Nature.. <🌞> <πŸŒ›>< 🌊> <🌳>


Mar 24 at 01:21 PM




Mar 24 at 01:20 PM

And this is why my intuition and clairvoyance is sometimes hard to deal with because I can read all the bullshit and I can sense if somebody's not being authentic or legitimate usually before they ever even say one word. It's a curse but at the same time a blessing because I can protect myself from false people and people with ill intentions but also sometimes I would much rather just sit back and let them be fake and just go with the flow. I don't like knowing that there is 99% shitty people in the world.


Mar 24 at 01:19 PM

If you Live like this. You're going to be okay.



Mar 24 at 01:18 PM




Mar 24 at 01:17 PM

πŸ–•πŸ½ the narrative. πŸ–•πŸ½ the norm. πŸ–•πŸ½ normies. πŸ–•πŸ½ the system. πŸ–•πŸ½anything that doesn't support me becoming the best possible me.