GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Feb 25 at 09:51 AM

Tom Mcdonald - The SYSTEM
He kilt this shit.. 100% accurate.. πŸ–•πŸ½THE CABAL



Feb 24 at 02:57 PM

Conspiracy theories.. debunking the truth?
So I just had to download.. have you ever thought of why they call them conspiracy theories? It's almost like the same thing with the UFOs and how they debunked all of the UFO stories and experiences people have had.. they have done the same thing with the truth of what is really going on in the world and they have labeled it as a conspiracy theory if it is something that doesn't meet their agenda or something that puts a negative reputation on whatever one person is saying or a group of people are saying.. basically they are debunking the truth of reality in our civilization by debunking anything we say if we stand up to them or try to tell people the truth they call it a conspiracy theory or a conspiracy theorist.. when in fact it is just another way and means to debunk what is true and what is reality.



Feb 24 at 02:08 PM

I feel as if this is more acceptable and would meet Community guidelines with the situation we're in now although violence and hate and hurting people is not a good thing but one must always protect themselves no matter what.. here is a 2-hour Spartan stick I made last night out of a metal bar which I've been bended to a certain angle to where a kitchen knife would fit into the metal pole and then use pliers to squeeze down and tighten the grip around the knife after that I took a hammer and virtually took away any space between the knife and the pole and added little melted plastic into the holes and then took a couple sheets of paper and folded them around the connection point and then added more super glue and tons and tons of heavy duty tape as I then move to the back of the pole and added two large hand warmers onto the base of the pole and use super glue and tape to keep them in place and then after that tightly and carefully wrapping the pole with the hand warmers in a red face towel for better grip as I then took a supplement bottle for vitamins and emptied it out and then took a ziplock bag and stuck it into the vitamin bottle and slowly poured sugar into the bag as the bag expanded throughout the bottle I then stuck the pole in and continue to fill with sugar until it was dirty and tight and then added tons of plastic and then melted all the plastic at the connection point of the bottle with the pole as I've been added more paper for sturdiness and tons and tons of heavy duty tape.. there you have it a 2-hour Spartan stick that will cut through steel! Oh yeah make sure you choose a durable and heavy duty knife and make sure it's very sharp.



Feb 24 at 01:24 PM

Telepathy Pt. 3


Feb 24 at 01:18 PM

Telepathy Pt. 2


Feb 24 at 01:13 PM

Telepathy pt. 1


Feb 24 at 03:02 AM

Marbar sent me this video.. real or fake??



Feb 23 at 07:30 PM

For anyone suffering and struggling with drug or alcohol addiction what stage of change are you in?? I myself am in the maintenance stage.. not boasting but trying to bring a topic to the table for like minded people. Anybody struggle with addiction??



Feb 23 at 04:39 PM

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YOU'RE GOING TO WANNA READ THIS ONE FOLKSπŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½ πŸ‘‡πŸ½ πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½
In between Panama and Columbia there is a ruthless rainforest they call the Darien Gap. Just in the last year 520,000 migrants have crossed through this ruthless terrain. It is one of the largest and most difficult terrains for humans to maneuver through. Many have simply died. It is said to be an impenetrable 60 mile chunk of rain forrest that even the best fit humans can barley operate through. Here is the first hand experience from an insider who ventured into this desolate area. This is his story and what he saw and experienced at first hand...

Bret Weinstein, a prominent figure in the field of biology, ventured into the Darien Gap for a personal examination of the region. The Darien Gap separates South America and North America. Venturing into the Darien Gap is a perilous journey and very dangerous and extremely slippery and it is said that tons of migrants are dying because they're sleeping on the ground getting hypothermia and trench foot. The funny thing is.. (NO MAIN STREAM REPORTERS ARE REPORTING WHATS REALLY TAKING PLACE JUST OUTSIDE OUR BORDER)

Bret Weinstein went to these areas and was in shock and awe as to what he found.. Bret says that there is numerous migrant camps throughout the region just outside the entrance to the dauntless Darien Gap. These camps have been safe havens for the migrants risking there lives to come to the "land of the free" and the "home of the brave". As Bret mentioned in his interview, people are being robbed, woman are being abused and raped, and kids are being sold and kidnapped. It's a very ugly situation. Bret says at some points of this extraordinary journey these migrants have simply "ran out of gas" as the rest of the migrants walk through the labyrinth of the Darien Gap people are dying and the other travelers just walk over there dead bodies like a log laying on the ground in your path, (they simply just walk over the bodies) 'Bret says; he also has stated that there are many South Americans migrating to seek asylum but it's mostly a giant smorgasbord of a broad range of ethnicities ranging from Middle Eastern, Afghans, Caribbean folks, Haitians, Yemen folks, and Iranians.

The first camp Bret investigated was in Canon Membrillo near the Canon River. He says the SENAFRONT (Panamanian Border Authority) let him right in and it seems as if they are letting anybody and everybody walk straight through the borders bypassing all security and check points. (He says in the early 90's there was a massive migration as well but he's says the border security was very tight and hard to simply operate through) After Bret checked in the the (SENAFRONT) he was free to roam about the different migrant camp sites. He has many conversations with a broad range of migrants and exclaims that most of every migrant is claiming that they are seeking political asylum but this is not the case whatsoever. The real reason is that most migrants are seeking asylum due to a possible economic collapse in there countries. The thing is, the USA doesn't permit or support asylum seekers for economic reasons because if they did it would be taking away from the American people.

While strutting around this camp he seemed to notice symbols and emblems that looked shockingly familiar! The NGO as well as numerous sites of the American Flag as well as the government of the United Nations and he came to a realization that the entirety of this migration movement into the USA is being funded by THE UNTIED NATIONS AS WELL AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As he progressed through the camp he seen fresh water being offered as well as convenient toilet mechanisms all with the emblems of the UN & the USA. He then had a shocking revelation that this entire migration is an operation. He's not fully aware of the complete agenda of these entities but suspects it's not good. He also seen the symbol for the organization named "IOM" which is the (UNITED NATIONS FOR IMMIGRANTS) this organization supports migration of immigrants and says its a good thing and something that should be pushed. These entities, which are connected directly to our very own American Government and to the allies of the United States of America. 🀯🀯🀯🀯 the migration controls and systems have all been "out of order" for the past 3 years and migrants, any migrants, are free to move about through the South American countries.

The second camp Bret Weinstein came to was the "San Vicente" migratory camp. In his interview he explains and suggests that this camp was a complete different situation. In the second camp was almost like a small town built from special containers where they could house people more comfortably. No tents, no sleeping on the ground, no suffering. He's says the camp was entirely of "Chinese decent". Any and everybody is forbidden to enter this camp. They could hang around on the outskirts of the encampment but we're forbidden to enter the initial camp all together. While skimming the outskirts he was devised not to use any cameras or take any type of photograps. (The pictures I posted were obtained covertly without notice from the Chinese soldiers.) They were able to find a Chinese man on the outskirts of the forbidden camp where there were little market like areas designated to buy different needs and goods. The Chinese man was absolutely not forthcoming to the group. They seemed as if they had no interest or desire to speak with anyone outside of the camp and that it would be considered a mistake if he did so. As they approached the man welcomingly they talked to him in Native Chinese and the man replied that he was a native to Korea but when he answered he answered in Chinese so they caught the man in his lie. It's been suggested that this Chinese migration is not a friendly one and they do not have a benevolent agenda. From what Bret could see from the outskirts it was 95% male from the ages of 19 to 35 with almost no females being seen. It's also very important to mention the fact that in this Chinese camp there was (ABSOLUTELY NO CHILDREN) It's also very important to recognize that the other camps they visited had gobs and gobs of children present but from what they could visibly observe their was absolutely zero kids in this Chinese camp.

Its really simple and not complicated to reconize the reality of the situation..."Chinese immigration" is being cloaked by the economic migration from the South Americans. After seeing the two camps and the difference in the two it seems very conspicuous. Another shocking discovery is the building of a bridge in the town of Yaviza. When they questioned the foreman of the project and the foreman stated that it was a bridge to better access the crossing of immigrants and to support the migration movement. It's important to note these are NOT bamboo/stick bridges here folks. This is a massive bridge being built across the river with concrete and steel reinforced rebar. (*See pics in the slide above πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†) Their has been small talk and rumors that China Is suggesting they would like to establish a road though the Darien Gap in near future prospects.

(Final Thoughts)
Many people have projected 2024 to be a very hectic and crazy year due to dozens of elections around the world along with 2 wars being fought in Europe and the Middle East. The most important thing that is going to cause friction within our societies and civilization is the presidential election of 2024. This year is going to bring a lot of emotion and change. It's up to us, the light workers, to direct traffic and to keep the masses and collective in a more mindfulness based psyche. We must keep the peace and bring balance to the evil, negativity, and bad lower frequential energies and vibrations. There has been many projected blackouts in the future of 2024.. so be ready for anything. Stock up on the essentials like fresh water and food as well as survival items with things such as self generating survival tools like lights and communication devices as well as basic weapons. No i dont like violence but im afraid 2024 will unfortunately be filled with it as protests and oppositions will create friction and there will be heat forced from the rubbing of these two entities. Prepare and make sure you and your family are prepared to stay safe and defend yourselves. Yes, our message is love and light but i promise that will not be everyones agenda. Ray had made his comment about the upcoming year we seem to be stumbling into. Yes, we are stumbling but we can catch our fall! Together we can bring love, light and peace to the collective. It won't be easy and we mustn't be lazy. We must stand firm in our spiritual practices and we must practice our spiritual principles. If we can accomplish these things I feel as if a Human TRANSFORMATION is in the forecast. Hope you enjoyed the story.. stay safe! Love hard! Shine bright! And don't EVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN! We can do this! We will do this. Together we rise..we rIse together. One heart, one beat, one entity, one life, one love. We got this this!
*sorry for typos-i was in a hurry!!
Written by: Caleb J



Feb 23 at 08:22 AM

In order to be a successful civilization and reach the Stars or become an intergalactic species, it is crucial to maintain a balance between technological advancements and spiritual principles. If these two aspects are not in synchrony, the consequences can be catastrophic, leading to a failed timeline. We have to raise our awareness.. if we don't, out future and the next generation either simply won't exist or they will be forced with the task of cleaning our mess up.. unless we just obliterate ourselves off the map completly.. it's not to late, the time is now!