GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 22 at 05:53 AM

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That shit is crazy.. second time they've done this to me.. I literally had hard evidence on the subject.. every single part of it had factual evidence with very little speculations whatsoever.. to me, personally, them taking down my video actually proves that what I shared was absolutely true.. what I shared would either make people question the fabric of there reality or they would erupt in laughter only to make fun and call me crazy.. soooo.. sorry TikTok but I kindly disagree with your authoritarian platform.. yet they're literally speaking in Congress about Americans standing strong on not letting the government take down the app because it would be violating our wind amendment, freedom of speech, so which is it TikTok?? Freedom of speech or control of information?? As always, the elites aren't letting us share detrimental information that could potentially help humanity but rather sweet block the information.. 🖕🏽you TikTok 🖕🏽 you ByteDance.. your evil anyways. ⁹⁹⁹



Apr 21 at 03:13 PM

Always room to grow.. and learn.. always..


Apr 21 at 12:49 AM


Here's a here's a quickly quick done quickie. My beliefs not yours.


Apr 20 at 04:15 PM

As there has obviously have been civilizations before us and we can see this in architecture and the pyramids as well as other buildings and religious documents and texts, but most of the ancient civilizations that harnessed the free energy were erased from our history and were erased from the world history altogether in regards of the gas and oil production. But why exactly were they erased? If they were using free energy and seemed like they were highly advanced? Shouldn't that mean that they would still be thriving today? Or was it not a perfect balance between spirituality, technology, and wits? Did you know that the zeppelins that used to fly around and sore through the air were actually zero energy efficient and were charged at the top of certain buildings and structures?? They created a giant fear mongering situation where a Zeppelin caught on fire because they lied and said that it was full of gases but did most certainly wasn't, it was a zero energy transportation option and they destroyed it and erased it from our history.. look it up! But you hear of a doomsday situation in almost every religious text on earth in regards of a flood whereas basically everything was taken out, I guess besides a few stragglers here and there, which may be where we came from, but what if there was a creator looming over us, studying us, tweaking any adjustments needed, writing in new codes as needed, but ultimately giving us free will by letting us decide our fate and our future in destiny as a civilization in order to get the product desired we have been placed here on this reality or in this reality, however you want to look at it, in order to send back information to the hard drive, the creator, and ultimately to become the perfect invention or creation through the creator's eyes or the writer of the codes to our matrix reality.. but what if all the civilizations before us have been taken out almost like a erase or delete button on a computer because the civilization didn't live up to the creators standards and qualifications to becoming the perfect creation through there civilization..? Like all they have to do is put in a code and our reality ends, like giant earthquakes and volcanoes exploding, causing tsunamis, hurricanes, poll shifts, the instant freezing due to instantaneous climate change which will bring mass hysteria in the masses, ultimately physically ending everyone's life in order to start a new Adam and Eve project with a new set of rules and codes written for that specific purpose or new civilization? If something like that were to happen, where would 8 billion+ souls go? Back to the Creator in order to be sent to the new civilization and creation? Or are they discarded and no longer needed? But ultimately, I wonder to myself, what type of twisted experiment am I involved in?? These are the things I ponder on in my alone time.. What in the actual fuck is this??



Apr 20 at 12:13 PM

So what does this mean for bald people? 🤔



Apr 20 at 12:12 PM

I dedicate times and moments of the day to have an intimate moment with the sun as they tell you not to stare into it and to put sunscreen on to block it and when practically everything is bullshit that they tell you most of the time you would actually want to do the opposite so I intake all of the sun's energy and stare into it intimately as I gain the knowledge and wisdom of our life-giver. #SUNgazing



Apr 20 at 12:11 PM




Apr 20 at 12:10 PM

It's actually quite obvious.. if you critically think for yourself.. what do they call that?? I guess common sense. ❤️999❤️


Apr 20 at 12:09 PM

Perception.. I believe mental health disorders are actually blessings in disguise as the text describes in the image and they have disguised these blessings as problems as they literally call them mental health problems or mental health issues and then give you a list of negative reasons why you feel the way you do and You receive negative personal perception from these negative views or side effects from whatever diagnosed mental health disorder you are diagnosed with.. when 95% of everything we've been told is a lie you have to question everything.. but one who thinks everything is a lie is just as much of a fool as someone who believes everything is true.. but you always question everything. ❤️999❤️


Apr 20 at 02:09 AM

Fear-mongering? Or are we seriously fucked?