GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 09 at 02:20 PM

Basically there is no guidelines to your own personal awakening and that is a good thing because it's a journey and not a destination. Just in the last 9 months of my Awakening I have went from aliens, Flat Earth series, the universe, science, hinduism, buddhism, christianity, the bible, meditation, energy and frequency as well as vibrations, positive versus negative, amongst many many other topics so yeah you are correct there is an infinite amount of information out there but I strongly advise you to start meditating on a daily basis.. that is how you figure out what you need to do next and which way you should go.. the meditation and super mindfulness will connect to your higher self which will guide you to your next step or next phase of your awakening.


Apr 09 at 02:16 PM

I'm doing good man.. how are you?

Apr 09 at 02:15 PM

So you never get mad?? Or angery?? Like ever!?!? You never feel down or depressed?? Like ever?? You never have anxiety?? Like ever!?! If not I need to start ha ging and talking to you !! Lol..


Apr 09 at 02:14 PM

Is it possible to never step back into lower dimensional realities?? I guess monks and other super spirtual people are higher frequntial beings and they stay in the higher realities so it's definitely possible but from what we've been fed and all the misleading information along with technology has thrown me and us off course. I won't lie, I also bounce around.. meditation and minfullness is the key to staying within higher realities.

Apr 09 at 02:12 PM

Should be taught to us in school rather than indoctrinating us I to believe false and deceiving history and misleading information. I recently just learned that our math is wrong and 1Γ—1 is actually 2 and that changes everything. We have been lied to about numbers amongst many other things but we are wakimg up and people are learning the truth of our reality and our true human orgins.


Apr 09 at 02:07 PM

Apr 09 at 02:07 PM

Cindy ghysel yeah you're definitely right about not having fear and not feeding into fear because it is a lower frequency vibration and has been created to keep us from discovering our true inner self and our true higher self and the actual superpowers that we have as humans.

Apr 09 at 02:05 PM

It was not his time and he had work to do on Earth so he was sent back to Earth and then got the medications and everything and he came out of the hospital with a different look on life and he tried to warn people about this negative place that you can go to and people basically labeled him as crazy and his family disowned him and he is now known as a crazy psychopath but has so much Vital Information that he obtained from the dark side and people are just blind because we are living in a depression, low frequency based Matrix and people have been brainwashed

Apr 09 at 02:03 PM

It's like hell.. I heard an out-of-body experience that a man had where he didn't die completely but he was on his Deathbed hours away from dying while waiting for a specific medication to help him with the sickness that he was having at that specific time and it took days to get it to him so he was falling in and out of consciousness and when he fell out one time he woke up out of his body in the hallway of the hospital and there were four men dressed in black suits with glasses on telling him that he had to go with them and he said no I do not want to go but they made him go anyways and they walked him into a big dark abyss to the point where he was trying to turn around but they wouldn't let him and then all of a sudden tens of twenties of people started bum rushing him and grabbing him and jumping on top of him and they started biting him and he started praying out to God in Jesus Christ and ended up in front of an Angelic being and he begged to come in and they told him no that

Apr 09 at 02:01 PM

Linda Crowhurst I don't think it's a one time thing.. I've been in the truth awakening movement for almost a year now and I have went back I to darkness multiple times while having to find the light each time and learning whatever lesson the darkness brought me for that journey into the abyss so keep searching. You will find it if you search.. it's there.. it's been there the entire time.