I already lookt at level with me, the guys in there are credible but what if the truth would be still a bit different, first,i am not a sheep and i dont believe the flat earth theory because i heard it different and that resonated with me, i know there is a firmament and that is put there by the Galactic federation so the reptiles could not escape earth in the past, the firmament will go away the moment they earth is going to spin like the other planets again ,it is because we are turning counterwise that the firmament is so dense,that is also why we are in 3D because we used to be in 5D.the earth turning normal is the 5D.They are talking about the inner core and i also heard that there were aliens working on the inner core to make the shift to the 5 D smooth as possible for us , i have it on video, it is from cosmic discloser on Gaia and it is about an upcoming poleshift . I will try to put it on here,so you can watch it. I am going to look to the other two docu now✌️✌️✌️
Cindy ghysel
Ostend, Belgium
There is only love
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Feb 25 at 04:25 PM
A big one for me also is why would ray and Jason lie to us about it, that dont make sense🤔😔🤨