Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Feb 19 at 07:22 PM

I think maybe because it is Exotic or because we are also part alien.

In Belgium we say same blood pulls meaning when you are family it gives some kind of connection so because we have part alien dna it gives some connection or it can also be memories of past lives that are stored in our subconscious that triggers our interest

Maybe because we are realising thru these storys that there is more in life then first taught and that magick really excist and that for me is so exciting


Feb 18 at 03:12 PM

William Shea ?? What does this mean please?

Feb 17 at 09:28 AM

I want Ubuntu or ubunta, it is a kind of community where youre house ,food,water,electricity,everything is for free,the only thing you have to do is every week you have to do 3 hours something for the community, they say that everything bad like crimes and so fall away because everybody have enough, they have a few community s like that in Africa and in Alaska but if you want my opinion,the only way to have a peaceful and thriving society is this way, away with the biggest poison in the world called money

Everybody having what they want and enough and not have to look for money to survive opens the mind for creativity,no violence and unity

This in my opinion is the only way

Feb 17 at 09:17 AM

You are feeding them,they know that very quickly,i dont wanne mess up youre thoughts but is that not why they are looking for contact.

Respect because you feed them, i love people who love animals,in my opinion, if you dont love animals you are not a good person but talking to them, sounds to beautiful to be true but you show them that you love them by feeding them so they will understand this. Dont stop doing that👍👍👍

Feb 15 at 01:43 PM

in this case i choose that a hospital is better in case something goes wrong, because if the cord is around the baby his neck the only thing a nurse who is with you at your house can do is call a ambulance, so in my opinion that is wasted precieus time, the baby can be dead when you arrive in the hospital,

i do believe for some things that a hospital needs to excist, because in some cases only proffesional help can save somebodys life

Feb 14 at 10:17 AM

i'm so excited and curioes❣️


Feb 12 at 05:37 PM

Yes,so heartwarming,very good idee, you people really make a diference. Thank you 👍♥️✌️

Commented on post was deleted

Feb 12 at 05:28 PM

Poor baby's, and for what😔😔😔

Feb 12 at 05:17 PM

Creation, love,connection,change

Feb 12 at 05:11 PM

Should it not be the other guy that tells his story, the presentator did not shut up😁