Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Jan 14 at 10:34 AM

I even did not wanted to look at this BS

Think logic people,why would aliens do something like this

If people saw aliens then they were surely men made,dont direct fall for such thing.

Do we believe in them that they are benevolent or not, food 4 tought.

Jan 09 at 09:13 AM

I would love to purchase but it is to far and i cant effort to give 375 euro to a workshop.

At the end of the month i barely get there.

I will keep doing wat i do to help bring awareness and speed up the discloser.

Jason said that we could ask for somebody to sponser so if there is someone out there who want to help a belgium woman reach here full potential i would be 4 ever gratefull and i would never forget this, i would even repay you in 4 times but i know it is difficult for the most of humanity so i wil keep it reel,maybe one day when the prices go down

Anyway love you all guys and for the ones that go to the event,enjoy❤️❤️❤️


Jan 06 at 12:14 PM


Oostende belgium

Jan 05 at 11:33 AM

No, i did not see this,i live in Belgium 😊but what i do know is that it always get worse before its get better and we are in the age of light meaning that al the negativity comes to the surface to then being able to get rid of it and then enter the age of love❤️❤️❤️