Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am


Jan 05 at 11:43 AM

Does anybody know what time for Belgium the Q&A begins tommorow please?
Thank you



Jan 04 at 02:25 AM

Hey everybody,
I am Cindy,a woman from Belgium.
I just finished watching the urgent message from Jason about what happend 01/01 and what i also saw today is that we should of had the most powerful sunflare the 01/01 that would help us ascend to are 5D new world, but i dont feel a bit different and if that was the strongest flare i think we should feel different, so they are stopping us from ascending on big scale and i dont think that we can get a second chanche to have a strong flare like this again. This goes so much further then weather altering to create natural disasters. I dont want to create fear and know at the end we will kick there ass 😁😁 but we really must act and listen to what Jason and tls have to say and help them anyway we can.
I shared the message with the groups i am in and i even put it on my newsfeed on Facebook, 😊😊😊
I hope everybody will do the same because we really need this beautiful new world and i really belief that together we can make it happen.
Nice to meet you all and best of wishes for the new year❤️❤️❤️