Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Apr 06 at 03:32 PM

The earthquakes or better said blowing up the tunnels was always on a depth of 10 .00 under the grond , i dont think there are tunnels in a 4.8 depth

Apr 06 at 03:27 PM

I dont know guys,they said on the news here in Belgium that there is smoke coming out of the Etna, the Etna is a Vulcano on sisily(Italy). And all these quakes around the earth,it is really strange, it is like something bigger then the earth is pulling on the earth, then you have these things happening, maybe it is the eclips , i dont know but it is strange alright


Apr 06 at 01:18 PM

Weird because when there are earthquakes everywhere it means that something is pulling on the earth??

Apr 06 at 01:16 PM

Question: you put youre dates like this in America,first the month,then the day because here in Belgium 4.8 would mean 4th of augustus?

Apr 06 at 01:02 PM

#655321 i really start to ask myself ,what isnt weaponized and who is not compromised. Reactions and actions from people that you even not sure of if they really are that person because you would not expect that from that person that is how things looking this days.that triggers so much more questions is everything then hacked or is there a much darker thing at play, i really have need on people saying things that you know inside is true and genuine and thank you . I feel you mean well✌️✌️✌️

Apr 06 at 12:43 PM

Sherif Osman we are on our way to a higher dimension,naturely, the eclips is the next fase, i am not so sure these whithhats are really white hats because why forcing something that is already on the way, i doesn't make sense


Apr 06 at 10:10 AM

This is bullshit what they saying, every solar eclips upgrades humanity and that is why they wanne jump to a other timeline, so it want happen. We are on the right timeline, they want to prevent or destroy!!!

Apr 05 at 10:14 AM

Daddy Dragon i know 😊 that is your fullest right , that is what makes you you.👍👍👍

Apr 05 at 03:32 AM

♥︎999♥︎😁😁😁 a flying cow😁😁😁

I hope i have a wolf, i think it would be a wolf. I love dogs soo deeply. I do love all animals and would rescue every single one of them,yesterday in the park i helped a few snails , don'l laugh,they where in the middel of the path and i pickt them up and put them in the grass the other side because if there was more people,it was at night ,they would get walked over. But a dog, if you turn it around you have god. The only species in my opinion that is capable of giving unconditional love and yet so many dogs and animals suffer. Like 21 of juni, summer solstice in yule in China you have a all you can eat dog festival where there really get tortured because then there meat is softer, it makes me soooo fucking angry, 1000 of dogs get killed,tortured over there. It cursed the summer solstice for me because it hurts when i think about them. Torturing such innocent beings only for softening the meat. Discusting

Apr 05 at 03:05 AM

I like it✌️✌️✌️