
Dec 27 at 05:28 PM

JCisTheWayTheTruthTheLightI guess that would depend on what books you've read. 

Dec 27 at 05:28 PM

One can tie alot of this stuff to scriptures, and more research. There are alot of so called myths such as Dracula, werewolves ..there are connections to these. Alot can be explained when one search the scriptures, Kybalion, ASkashic Records.... GO to an estate sale and look at some of the  occult books that are out here. It's here and have always been here.  The society have tampered with food, air, water to lower the vibration.... It's  here.. and nothing is covered any more..Get ready...get ready...get ready.

Dec 27 at 05:24 PM

There is always a level of growth when people interview with this level of information. Many people don't know where to go with this... I'm sure this has been enlightening for her...

Dec 27 at 05:22 PM

Ang Adams  Discernment gives one sight beyond what one sees. Please complete a deep dive. Chrisitianity has people seeking a feel good and safe message and anything outside of that is of the "Devil".... Research ,.. Language, numbers, elements... study the hebrew lanaguage.... This stuff is huge 

Dec 27 at 05:19 PM

We are all spiritual beings.. DO you think we would be here without any spiritual gifts or powers?.. We chose to come here. Take time and reflect and see what you;re here to do. NUmerology, Astrology, srcying, Abramelin magic.... It's already here ...

Dec 27 at 05:17 PM

Well ... people call them aliens... they are all astrial beings and they have always been here. THere are various levels of entities or astrial beings...Take time to research. If you read Revelation in the Bible...As the Euphraties river dries up one will see the watchers being relaeased from their bonds. You will see more and more things coming forth. ALso we are in the age of Aquarius. Many things are being uncovered as we speak... Keep watching. 

Dec 27 at 05:14 PM

Yes... Along with the Zohar, and Kabbalh...all this is encompassing....

Dec 27 at 05:13 PM

Catholics have taken books out of the Canonized Bible along with those from the Aprociphgia. The Catholic church knows alot yet they have books hidden at the Vatican. The know about certain things such as "The Order of the Angel"... Theyhave alot of stolen information. They only disseminate information as needed. Many parishoners don't want to do the work to now more.

Dec 27 at 05:11 PM

She was fine she just not aware of spirituality. She did a good job. 

Dec 27 at 05:10 PM

THis is why people need to deep dive in spirtuality. He is speaking about the "Watchers". These angels procreated with the women on the earth. Their offspring is "Nephillim" which they became consumers of the earth and in turn became cannibals and were destroying the earth. to get more indepth...The Book of Enoch can give one more details. Genesis will give a good overview.