Commented on 👁

Aug 13 at 12:02 PM

I'm so lost since I committed suicide back in 2018 and was revived after 10 to 15 mins (not sure how I'm not a vegetable, I'm a bit slower but have spiritually advanced among other things extremely and see angel numbers many times a day every day and a heap of other things unexplainable and paranormal? happening, I can literally communicate with one of my beloved cats who is my world since I don't see my kids ATM) anyway sorry getting off track, I had no goals or dreams since then until I found Unifyd TV and finding out about what is actually going on in the world and Ray and TLS, what is happening to all the children and babies destroyed me for months after and I'm getting tears as I'm writing this, since then I felt I was put back here to help save every single child and baby and stop all the human sex trafficking from happening ever again. I know it sounds dumb because I'm only one person and I'm mentally ill in a few ways ("paranoid schitzophrenia", ADHD, major depression, suicidal most of the time, probably OCD, untreated PTSD, anxiety, and probably other undiagnosed stuff) but I'm not interested or passionate about anything else other than seeing my 2 kids again, sleeping or getting high. Anyway sorry for the 300 page novel, any suggestions or advice would be extremely appreciated. P.S I'm not 100% certain but I also have a strong feeling I'm actually dead or still in a coma from 2018 or this is just a dream because nothing feels real since then and it would explain pretty much everything that's happened since then and continues to get weirder and unexplainable everyday😑🥰

Commented on 💥💜

Aug 13 at 11:28 AM

Hi, I keep seeing this saying but I'm supposedly a paranoid schizophrenic and have a lot of trouble knowing the difference between my paranoid brain thoughts, my brain feelings and my gut feelings/instinct and majority of the time it turns out that I was just being paranoid.. any suggestions would be extremely appreciated🥰


May 03 at 01:26 PM


Commented on .

May 03 at 01:22 PM

I rekon your favourite book when you were a kid was Dr Suess! 😂

May 03 at 01:09 PM

Woop money kum strength 😂😂

May 03 at 01:06 PM

Thank you, found it very helpful! 😁


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Mar 01 at 01:37 PM

Hey Jason I just tried spreading the word on eBay in my listings and the bastards kicked me out of my listing put it in drafts and deleted everything I wrote in the description ( I was rambling a bit but didn't mention the government or any names etc) was just saying about the horrific disgustingly disturbing things that are going on globally behind the scenes etc etc an some more etc lol smh, Il try again and be a little less descriptive, no pun intended as it was the items DEScription lol