Aug 20 at 04:40 AM

I'm going pretty stir crazy in this 6x3 bungalow, I have nobody but my 2 awesome but elderly cats who sleep most of the time and just wake up to eat or go out to the toilet😐 I chose isolation after my son's mum stopped me from seeing him nearly 5 years ago out of nothing but spite and jealousy bcoz me and him were so close. Not doing very well mentally at all, but I never really have so it's all good🙃🫠👻🥰


Aug 20 at 04:28 AM

Hi Derrick am also looking for like minded people who I can trust talking to about what is really happening, hopefully become less confused, start healing again, growing and shedding and take steps needed, spread awareness and connect with anyone who is willing to listen and take action especially those who have any and all abilities needed to permanently stop however is necessary all the filthy rich and famous corrupt inhumane psychotic and pedofilic animals especially the ones that control everything, including all their likeminded 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5ths In Charge and any of their employees, family, friends and associates who support and agree with everything they are doing and have done.. slowly by giving each one a handshake or quickly in large scale group hugs🤗 completely unannounced and however is necessary that is in our best interests and without considering what so ever any rights they had or were entitle to as humans back before they chose to completely disregard all of ours!! We need act fast and get in before they do!!.. 🥰🥰🤗🤗 hope this even just inspires 1 right person as i mentioned above.. who is hopefully connected to a few right people that are part of a very large Group of Clubs/chapters of right people, many of which are enlisted in a much larger organization of right people, who are all willing to listen and wake up and provide the necessary items and abilities to take action and not only save all the babies, children and women but also their own actual families, future bloodlines friends etc that the weren't even aware of being enslaved and so inhumanely treated due to mass brainwashing etc.. Prayers to any God, The Gods, Source, The Creator, The Universe are just words or sounds written down and said out aloud.. maybe podcast this and chuck it on repeat🤗🥰

Was listening to a cool song the other night it was called Kill or Be Killed by ICP or maybe it was by TWISTED either way the lyrics and meaning behind the song was definatley well worth listening too..🥰🥰🥰😕


Aug 20 at 01:42 AM

Pisces ♓ 🦈🌊


Aug 19 at 01:44 PM

Wtf? Iv just read all your posts (including the latest one and watching the 2 YouTube vids) and I don't know what else to say but wtf?🫠😶👻😶‍🌫️🫨🤯🙃

Commented on Unconditional love💚

Aug 19 at 07:26 AM

🥰thank you


Replied on 👁

Aug 19 at 07:00 AM

Benita thanks.

Learning an retaining

New things daily

Being positive and grateful

Something has my back

Always has always will

After learning each lesson and passing each test

Never knew exactly what

Don't and wont claim to by

Giving it a title or name

Until I see it

With my own eyes!

Spies Spy with

My three eyes

Something beggining

With the End?



Replied on 👁

Aug 13 at 04:08 PM

It's ok I just realized I'm either dead or dreaming the moon doesn't move sideways around the horizons with a little star next to it. Thanks anyway Im just gonna give up on trying to do anything or fix anything, it's too late I'm obviously in hell or purgatory because of my past mistakes that I can't take back no matter how much I want to. It's too late to be good now.😑💜


Commented on 💫

Aug 13 at 01:39 PM

Thank you so much that is going to help so fkn much you have no idea🥰🥰🥰


Commented on 💫

Aug 13 at 01:34 PM

Not sure if it's normal but I've never seen it before, the moon was moving sideways, like horizontally with the horizon around where the sun would be a couple of hours before sunset and it had a star?? next to it really close on the top left, it was a bit under a quarter moon but it was the bottom quarter.. also moved at least 1 hours distance in about the 10 mins I was looking at it.. might be normal but have never seen anything like that.. strange🤔


Commented on 👁

Aug 13 at 01:16 PM

I thought so that's why I stopped all my meds a few months ago..
