Elliot Sobers

Apr 08 at 10:39 PM

Oh wow!

Replied on Missing 411

Apr 08 at 05:24 PM

And if so then what?

Apr 08 at 05:18 PM

Brother please don't say it's this crazy jsmh. Not surprised but still get mind blown when you see how all this evil is doing this stuff right in our face and alot of us are giving them our energy to feed off. (Unknowingly of course but still) The jig is up, let's get this done family. Love and light! ♥

Apr 08 at 05:11 PM

The Simpsons always gives up the information first jsmh.....this is so uncanny, let me see if that word Simpsons has some kind of meaning related to future events or something. Love and light!


Apr 08 at 05:08 PM

I'm in NYC and it was 4.7 according to the people who measure this!

Commented on The Beautiful Truth

Apr 01 at 04:02 PM

They want to take control of seeds! I'm dead jsmh. We are dealing with some serious wickedness! I am not surprised anymore but I still get a little shocked because of what type of person/s it takes to do some of these things! 🤔

Commented on The Beautiful Truth

Apr 01 at 03:10 PM

Watching that bomb go off and seeing that destruction really bothered me. These people in control are lunatics jsmh!

Replied on Inspired: Addiction

Apr 01 at 02:37 PM

Wow that's awesome!

Replied on Inspired: Abundance

Apr 01 at 02:08 PM

Juergen Zimmermann my friend your here which means your heading in the right direction. Just go where your led by your soul and if it's meant for you to find out such detail it will reveal itself. Love and light!

Mar 25 at 05:44 AM

Ray-medicine should be free!

Me-yeah a birthright if you ask most!
