Elliot Sobers

Replied on Watch The Water I

Jan 31 at 04:49 PM

Timothy you may have the best answer yourself with the gum. I'm no expert but I am a smoker and my daughter caught covid after she got vaccinated so my wife and I were scared we would get it so we decided to get the vaccine as well. We never got sick and even after the vaccine as well but we are both smokers! Love and light! I hope everything works out for you guys! ♥

Commented on Watch The Water II

Jan 31 at 04:18 PM

This is the most horrible thing I've heard in a long time and I'm newly awakened so I have found out alot of things I were completely unaware of that are remarkably disturbing! Jsmh

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Jan 23 at 02:17 PM

Hmmm alot of powers going around in these comments.....what's my name?


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Jan 23 at 01:58 PM

Many will come but few will be chosen....those who choose themselves!


Jan 22 at 04:56 AM

You got to be kidding me....that's disappointing

Jan 21 at 12:25 PM

Kayla Liebeck so true and a good lesson we all should learn!

Jan 21 at 12:14 PM

😂 😂 😂 I love how he starts this!


Replied on The Mothership

Jan 21 at 12:09 PM

JP wow!

Jan 21 at 11:28 AM

Yeah definitely! ♥

Their is alot going on though actually, we just have apply ourselves. Love and light! ♥