
Vancouver, Canada

Mar 11 at 08:40 PM

Randi Gerdesmeier 💯 % My friend!!!!

Mar 11 at 08:20 PM

Khriatine Traughber definitely. Jus talk about it. You'll be alright. God is with you. Us beleivers are with you. You have alot of us behind you. We are all one. ❤️

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Mar 11 at 09:19 AM

Feb 27 at 01:19 AM

He speaks the truth and any body who doesn't beleive, will see it soon. Everything we've seen in the news, youtube, before I even heard about this guy....beleive as u will. I know where I stand.

But my comment I jus noticed is 5 months later..


Feb 27 at 01:16 AM

Jacob D Schrag exactly !!!! I've always told people thats. No knows you, better than you. Agreed 💯 %

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 26 at 06:45 PM

We As People Are Ready ❤️ I do beleive we are ready I beleive in us. The Light Will Shine Above All.



Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 26 at 05:14 PM

Pretty sure he was meaning to say, that the government planted it, so they can do what the Shady shitnthey be doing...not sure. But that what I got from it

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Feb 22 at 04:31 PM

Ashley Lanore please send yours too me too please. I don't have any but I'm a beleiver and I swear I won't upload or anything like that. ❤️


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Feb 22 at 03:33 PM

I'm In for sure !!!! The world needs it. Non beleivers are already too far gone, So we just prayers for them and do what we need to do to wake them up. If possible....Unify !!!!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 22 at 03:17 PM

Ramona Emami and your anger and name calling only adds to the already Hate in the world. Find a different way to share your response.

Love, Peace and Harmony ❤️ One Love Remember
