Susan Malone

Mar 10 at 02:51 AM

Maybe you all should desect it less and talk to God more. People keep looking for verification and gratification. It's real simple folks you ask God and gain a relationship with him and yourselves because while you all scatter frantically for the answers when you already know the answers is beyond me. Every question you have God will answer if your listening. That's your proof. Who do we need validation from other then our father our creator our one and only god.

Oct 12 at 12:34 AM

I never once heard Jesus mentioned.  This makes me believe that this is leading us down the wrong path.

Sep 27 at 04:37 PM


Commented on post was deleted

May 06 at 03:24 PM

I really don't think a live session is the best thing for me to be involved with. Not your typical person and although I must say at first you peaked my interest however now its more primitive ideas rather than proven facts. I'm a realist however a realist with enough knowledge to know when, what seems to be a legit idealogy turns into nothing more then entertainment. Want to reach people on a real level then show them on a real level. I haven't seen nothing real since a good semi real talk on topics anyone would have known about if researched. Sorry but if the world is gonna make a change it's only gonna happen when people stop looking up to others for answers and start looking within themselves and take action for themselves. This isn't action this is just more stories being told by third party BS. To each their own though and with the world as it is today ,people need to believe in something if not themselves.

Mar 23 at 04:52 AM

Well you guys are all starting to reveal transparency and not just with the evil Doers . That's for sure.

Commented on post was deleted

Mar 08 at 04:13 PM

Oh yeah... Is it front row seats cuz otherwise transformation can be free and I can do that all by myself but if it's more a community based lesson where all energy conbines I'm in, otherwise I can do that myself. Thanks though! Let me know if ya ever need a hand!

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 08 at 04:06 PM

Julie Lamarche 😁 ask and you shall receive. That was in you the whole time. Belief is a powerful thing and nobody owns that but you!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 08 at 03:15 PM

Girl I'll tell ya how you begin. You just did but you can't make people listen and even when they do... Well just be ready when u need to be but one thing that's the most valuable listen is meditation. Only our higher power can tell you when and what to do cuz even with all the knowledge in the world, there is only so much you need to know otherwise we didn't learn a thing. Interesting yes and it's deep but I only need what God tells me I need. Otherwise we are eve all over again. However I'll listen anytime ya want me too! I like rays personality though and these two work well together however the real work is within yourself!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 07 at 01:44 PM

However I wouldn't call them ETs but that's just my belief. Creations of God yes.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Mar 07 at 01:38 PM

It's true but I'll keep my knowledge on it to myself fot now but he is an antena fpr the spiritual realm to bring awakrning to this realm and its his destany to give testimony to people who are lost but also a very hard job to be given because words are powerful and saying one wrong thing could be very dangerous to his soul because he is speaking and teaching and if he doesnt let the soul do all the talking then he takes the risk of blastemy and would do more harm than good so his pausing when answering needs to be ,so his teachings are said in a very precise way in order for it to be understood precisely how God wants it said. That's a huge responsibility and honor to be used for reaching ppl.
