My point is you don't hear about the story of the person who was scared by the things you talk about because if ya did they prob wouldn't live long enough for it to be aired or make a difference and if they did them they would be saying the the same as I. So what risk do you have? By interviewing batman that swoops in and saves the victim and becomes famous and the hero that risks it all or the one who makes it big by asking the questions? What risk do I take because your testimony means nothing to the "Evil Doers" when you didn't witness anything but the victims whom you never hear from or see because those ppl that had to live through it and manage to survive and be "Normal" again while they live in silence out of fear are the actual heros and that's who's voices will matter, not the narrator trying to be famous off someone else's pain.
Commented on DISCLOSURE 1
Mar 07 at 01:38 PM
It's true but I'll keep my knowledge on it to myself fot now but he is an antena fpr the spiritual realm to bring awakrning to this realm and its his destany to give testimony to people who are lost but also a very hard job to be given because words are powerful and saying one wrong thing could be very dangerous to his soul because he is speaking and teaching and if he doesnt let the soul do all the talking then he takes the risk of blastemy and would do more harm than good so his pausing when answering needs to be ,so his teachings are said in a very precise way in order for it to be understood precisely how God wants it said. That's a huge responsibility and honor to be used for reaching ppl.