Renee Moss

Moscow, ID, United States

Mar 10 at 10:11 PM

Why does everyone get so upset when something political is mentioned? We have been taught not to talk about politics and not to have the difficult conversations. From my perspective we should stop allowing politics to divide us. Agree to disagree and move on without judgement. ❤️


Your breath work is Amazing! Thank you so much ❤️


Mar 09 at 01:04 PM

The actual planes of illegals being flow places. I feel this is all a matter of perspective and both could be true.


Mar 08 at 03:11 PM

I am on the fence with this question. They have controlled us with fear for so long it is very possibly only propaganda or what I call fear pron since I have not seen this with my own eyes and don't know anyone that has.

Mar 05 at 10:06 PM

Aren't we all?


Mar 04 at 12:46 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I totally agree with what you are saying. I have just learned to ask questions instead of putting my perspective out there first. It seems to be more accepted by more people that way. ❤️

Mar 04 at 12:18 AM

Where in Washington State? I live on the Washington/Idaho boarder

Mar 02 at 10:12 PM

I am in the process of reading Ray's pages and I completely agree with you Marilyn Costello ❤️

Mar 02 at 09:33 PM

I am a born healer and my astrology birth chart says I am a wayshower. I just recently figured out what that meant lol!

Mar 02 at 09:20 PM

Every time I hear some one say the US is a democracy I say to myself, "Since when? It was created to be a Constitutional Republic." I sometimes say it out loud too but that usually starts interesting conversations.