I was on morphine since very young age I was taking 3x 60 mg morphine plus between dosages 5mg and if needed injection also I'm 100 lbs I was so drugged up it was not funny iv winded myself down with mmj and now I am down 1x 60mg per day is all and working on not taking at all 0mg and going for 5mg per day with my mmj and meditation healing I'm doing on my own and I'm succeeding if u want it you will do it methadone u need detox after what's the point exchanging one for the other its to much works and I'm suffering badly of pains as I has final stage of lupus,Endometriosis cancer,and its very jard them attacks I go trough every month its not normal a human suffering so much at some point I have 103.8 104. Of fever and passe out from tue pains but I believe it can't go worse then this taking more opiods will not help me but male me worse iys hard yes good luck 🤞
Julie Lamarche
Gatineau, Canada
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Mar 03 at 10:04 PM
Let's see them video and footage