
Evidence needed, why could he not share something that is critical to the masses. He talks way reserved.

Sep 07 at 01:18 PM

occult music industry


Sep 06 at 11:03 AM

Knueven Laura The fictional character Bayek comes from Siwa (Egypt) over 2000+ years ago. Thank you for your understanding that I want to keep my profile anonymous here on this platform.

Warm greetings

Sep 05 at 02:20 PM

Knueven Laura Hope youre keeping well also 😊

Sep 04 at 04:26 PM

you are a new hope and i tell you why;

there was nothing comparable since 2010 when i discovered a brilliant man from germany, who did a 2.5 hour long speech, explaining our „matrix“ system but with impressive facts and in a highly spiritual manner, the way he choosed his words wisely for the audience.

it was shocking and eye opening at the same time. Also a little bit fascinating and scarry how every puzzle worked together so well for the system.

Everything in between where i stepped over, seeking for truth was either distracting or frustrating.

- occult music industry docs

- we are change

- infowarriors etc.

They might have all their well respected good intentions but on the way to 2023 where i first time discovered the disclosure series with ray, i remembered only 2 remarkable/interesting documentations.

„the human history“ by spirit science

and a Lady i forgot her name about myths & reality part 1 to 3 (in german)

- - -

The reason i‘m saying that, after the series with ray i went back after almost 10 yeara to watch them again and all of a sudden things became more clear after a long time feeling THE MORE I LEARN, THE MORE I KNOW THAT I DONT KNOW NOTHING.

Unifyd brought a new perspective/hope and thats why you have my support.

Sep 03 at 05:19 PM

Courage, Nurturing & Ambition

well i must say most of us had nurturing n‘ courage because were almost the only words horizontal. Needed another 5min to find the third one😅


Aug 16 at 12:59 PM

well questioned bravo!


Aug 16 at 12:55 PM

Jim Caviezel


Aug 08 at 04:39 AM

when today?🙌 We‘re waiting in CET

Aug 01 at 11:12 AM

Thanks for asking, would be great to have some updates on these topics;

- does the „dark“ establishment really suffer in 2024 or is everything just a show to conquer and to devide? It seemed that some things went against them, but its worth to question it if some false hope bringers are under us.

- any update on the operations against the underground tunnels?

- any allies to or like TLS, also working under the radar?

- every 80 years shows up another Adolf, BS isnt it?

- New technologies or old uncovered ones?

- Geopolitical situation, will finally someone or something bring an end to the suffering?

- Spiritual war, whats the situation currently?

- Ancient tempels and sites, will new establishment braking stuff be revealed in the future?
