John Taylor

Mar 17 at 02:39 PM

Billy had many contacts, he only had one arm which made it hard to film things or take pictures, but he did, and 100s of them. But not many people talk about it. Course the photos and Video are good for the 1950's-1970s but they have to be fake, anything that looks real they say they are fake. Personally I don't think they are fake.

Mar 16 at 10:59 PM

Yes, I feel the same. I feel all it does is make himself look "sketchy". I sometimes think that he Is sometimes trying to convince himself of the stories he is telling.


Mar 16 at 08:08 AM

The scrolls was not "1st hand" either. Yes they was written before the Bible, But they was not written by Jesus, or Moses, or at the time they was around. I think that was the point he was trying to make. I still don't believe a lot of what is being said.

Mar 15 at 12:20 PM

Again, someone looking to profit from people's interests in the topic. I've only watched the 1st 5 minutes and I can tell All she cares about is the money she can make. Just in the 1st 5 minutes she says she gives her story to anyone willing to pay for it, and then she jokes that she's looking for a airline sponsorship from all the flights she makes. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ I hope people can do better has time goes on, there are many people who really want a better life, and tired of people with there hands out looking to profit from your curiosity.

Mar 15 at 08:46 AM

Ray speaks of being giving something to drink that he has to put in his body that doesn't taste very well. I find it easier to believe that you was drugged and was giving mine alternative drugs that puts you into these situations and visions that you have. Which also explains why everyone you know today is always in the visions. I fear this is another money grabbing stunt to get out money. We need to pay for the site, pay for the teachings, pay for the classes, and at the end we simply got conned out of our time and money. To many holes in the story.

Mar 15 at 08:40 AM

What I find hard to understand, is the fact that Ray says he was a High Priest and The Host of the Show was Ray's High Priest in the same reincarnation, in fact just about everyone Ray knows is in every reincarnation he speaks about. How does one live a life of spiritual knowledge and dedication and never advance, in fact it seems you go backwards. In my Understanding we are in this Matrix and we are all part of a Universal conscience to learn and advance to higher levels. If You can not advance in a 900 year reincarnation in which you was a High Priest and lived your life to the best of your ability...but still have to come back and start all over in which you never reach that level again, then I fear we are all doomed on this way of thinking.

Mar 13 at 11:07 AM

A great Story. However, so many questions come up. The biggest for me is this, I am lead to believe in some new age teachings and such, that we are in a type of matrix system and we reincarnate to this "earth school" to learn and advance with our lessons each reincarnation, however we cannot remember the past reincarnations, but our "higher self" or "subconscious" knows. I suppose what I was lead to believe is once we finish this we move up the ladder so to speak, some think that we all have within us the power to become divine ourselves. Example The Buddha or A Jesus Christ type individual would "graduate", and move on in there evolution as a light being or spiritual being. In this story, to me it seems like everyone is moving backwards and becoming less aware. This part doesn't make sense to me. Why would a person with such high knowledge and spiritual knowledge decide to keep coming back over and over, in which each case it seems they doing less and less for humanity ea cycle.