John Taylor

Apr 17 at 10:17 AM

I think someone "woke" would be a Jesus Christ " type person. There definitely isn't 100 thousand or more of those types running around that I know of. But yet, people got people believing that they are "woke" because they are looking at life definitely and meditating.

Apr 17 at 10:15 AM

Samantha That is one way to look at it. Or it's a way to pull us from God and/or Church. If you think about it, they (the powers to be) been slowly taking us from the teachings of the church since they removed church from School. Now since they removed church from school you have to wonder if there is a motive behind it. Now they are teaching kids to go within themselves and ask themselves if they are really male or female. This opens up a whole new discussion. I can definitely say the church has a lot of Dogma behind it, done by people using the "power of God" (misused power) and fear based power.

Another thing that bothers me, is any energy or entity can enter your mind and make you believe it's good, and be feeding you completely false things, but things that sound good or harmless enough.

If you believe in the words of the Bible, it tells you to watch out for just these things.

Also many people are claiming to be "woke". I think that's completey untrue.

Mar 19 at 08:07 PM

I agree. I sometimes wonder though, what is the "belly of the whale" was a Ship, and they had just never even imagined something like that could be possible, so he explained it best he could. Same with the "Virgin" having a baby, this is possible through artificial insemination, again something a person back then wouldn't think possible. Many of these stories you find in the Bible you can also read similar stories from Sumerian Clay Tablet's, however the Tablets is my eyes, are much more realistic if I had to pick one. But I am with you on your comment.

Mar 18 at 11:02 PM

Ren I have Not. Worth Checking out?

Mar 18 at 06:44 PM

Ray hasn't said much about the Spirit World and How he feels it is connected with our reality on 3D Earth. I'm not expert, But in my Understanding, a person through mediation, vibration (sound), or even medication, you bring both your left and right brain together to act as one, then you can "Astra Travel" or some other ways, you can see and talk to the Spirit World, which is basically Earth but a different plane. Once you get there you have Good and Bad Beings just like on 3D Earth, and they have all types of things to say. I just would love to know what Ray says, he did mention it a little, But I would love to know more. I think the secret is here somewhere.

Mar 18 at 06:16 PM

I Do what to say, That I Do Thank Ray and Jason for doing this, I Do Not Understand some of it, However As a Person That is trying to be one with the universe and to understand and Love All, I just felt I don't want my comments to take anything away from what you are trying to do. So I just wanted to say thank you for sharing what you feel is your truth. 🙏

Mar 18 at 02:15 PM

I don't think he had a "Twin Brother", but something weird in the gospel of Thomas that speaks about a Child his mom mistakes as him. I do think he had a wife and 2 kids, the Bible removed that to make him more "God Like". I think He was a Blood Sacrifice by the ones that trained him, and which even he didn't see coming, that's why when On the cross he says "Why have you forsaken me" or something to that agree. But I think it had something to do with the spirit world and Magic. Just my personal understanding at this point in my research.

Mar 18 at 02:07 PM

The Government did. That's common knowledge these days.

Mar 17 at 06:09 PM

Jessica urffer I agree. But this is NOT what Ray says.

Mar 17 at 06:05 PM

Jessica urffer I understand the Universe just fine. What I don't do is believe every single YouTube video I see with some guy who hides his face and his voice.