Katheryn G

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Aug 17 at 09:08 AM

Please understand that Ray is coming from the traditional Jewish perspective because of his upbringing. You are absolutely correct! I have noticed that even in homosexual couples, there is still one individual with more masculine energy and one with more feminine energy, which can be attributed to the soul gender. Thank you for speaking your truth!


Aug 16 at 10:20 AM

That is definitely true! I read similar information from Cazekiel, channeled through James Gilliland. Some Lemurians survived, however and went underground...I think you'll really enjoy this interview:


Aug 15 at 06:41 PM

Don't forget to send love in response to hate! The phrase I choose, especially for the Christians who virtually stone me, is "I love the light in your soul." Negates their attacks completely and they ignore me after that.


Aug 15 at 06:11 PM

Andromedans :)


Aug 15 at 01:19 PM

Recently, I simply renewed my relationship with God and recommitted myself to live the Way of Christ in a spiritual but NOT religious way. I aligned myself with the universal Humane Law of Unconditional Love, respect for all life -both human and nature, righteousness, truth, purity, and above all Love for the Infinite Creator. In doing so, I raised my vibration to the point where I now have achieved greater self-mastery, even over my Scorpio libido. 


Aug 15 at 12:03 PM

Jillian Check out Einstein's letter to his daughter on love too, for the alternative perspective of a reputable scientist.

Aug 15 at 11:51 AM

Jillian I feel that alternating forms every other lifetime does not ring true for everyone. I believe that is just based on what experiences are required for soul growth in that life.  We have Divine assistance planning our life path before incarnation. Since we have either a dominantly masculine or feminine soul, or soul gender, we are more inclined in one direction or the other. God is Love and Light, and although God has no gender, all gender duality is still within God. The masculine principle is encapsulated by the Light, as Ray points out and the feminine principle is embodied in Love. Even science is starting to come to the conclusion that these are the fundamental building blocks of the Universe - see Emergence Theory, "What is Reality" on Youtube. To answer your question, don't get too tripped up in the dogma and historical and religious beliefs regarding sexuality. You know how to keep yourself physically clean. Cleanse yourself energetically by connecting to Mother Earth in & conduct yourself with Self Respect.


Aug 09 at 07:33 PM

Let's just say there may be some truth to some of Dan Brown's work ;) connect your own dots.

Aug 08 at 05:13 PM

Noeline White thank you for letting your light shine as the Beautiful Soul you are as well. You are helping to anchor the higher energy of Love just by being who you are. We are all connected. Peace be with you, my sister <3 in Love and Light.


Aug 08 at 04:57 PM

Great question! My thoughts are this: the soul has either a feminine or masculine polarity, simplistically. Of course we can choose to reincarnate as the opposite sex based on the soul's path for that lifetime. I firmly believe that trans people have a very special mission in this era: to bring awareness and proof of reincarnation. The political trans movement HOWEVER leads those unique individuals away from the truth into a false belief that they are a mistake and reinforces that they are their bodies, which is again a false and deliberately limiting perspective that hinders the seeking of one's own soul truth.
