I've actually struggled with very similar things. One thing that helps me greatly is regular meditation, when I stick with it. Have you heard of Dr. Wayne Dyer? He was an incredible force of love and light. He allowed much of his work to be put on YouTube, free, because he just wanted to help others. His teaching "There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem" keeps popping in my mind, but I encourage you to check him out and listen/watch anything that stands out to you. I hope this helped. <3
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Aug 08 at 03:56 PM
Noeline White By next week I should be launching a series on YouTube going through the Essene philosophy and reading through the Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, in a spiritual not religious way, as it is very relevant to everything today. They were a secretive, communal, gender equal meritocracy who were established to support Yeshua on his path. I'll send you a link once it's launched. Self-promotion is so weird to me btw but I gotta do lol.