Casper Gray

Jefferson City, MO, United States

Awake and aware. On the path and growing. Ive always felt like a stranger on this planet. I miss a home i cannot define. Also a writer.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Apr 05 at 11:16 PM

Faith is in the unseen, yet it is the unseen we draw hope from until we drink truth like water that has washed away the old. I hope upon hope that the light you give is not just another guided self-delusion along the ascending descent into the mirror of all reflections. Thank you. I love you and what you are despite my self.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Apr 05 at 11:12 PM

Watching this is breaking most positivie perceptions ive built about unifyd. I dont understand what im missing. This (and gaia and 4biddenknowledge and etc) not seem any different than any other human structure. There is a wall and a building. What happens in that building is given up to the trust of the people outside the walls stepping over each other to be heard and seen, clawing towards the unlocking and expanding ideas thrown in scraps and morsels by the usually well to do with immaculately arranged lives. Its like your building the new hollywood. The "communities" are un-unifyd, and seem self interested. Its like this is another social media/entertainment site. Yet i know much of it to be true. There is something so fundamentally incomplete about how this is people are being hooked rather than guided. Any man who does need money usually deals in influence as his currency. Yet. Im grateful for have founding this. Even as my doubts stir. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Apr 01 at 06:34 PM

Shes also a younger generation and how she percieves her own communications(i have no doubt she is awake and aware to whatever degree)Is probably much different then how another might. The only perfection we find in communication is through the love and positivity we send. You think shes talks like a "girl" perhaps she talks like an soul excited to know more and share that. There is love in that even if we do not see it for the negatives we cloud our true sight with. As for profanity. I dont think she was trying to corrupt your grandson. Hes most likely heard worse in unenlightened settings. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Apr 01 at 05:38 PM

Lol oh and to actually answer the question (i get so scatterbrained at my own excitement of all this), the awakening conference series was the first thing i watched on gaia. It touched on a bit of everything and helped me go from there


Apr 01 at 05:35 PM

It is the lonliesness that is hardest to lift from my spirit. When will we have true community and unity among awakened?


Apr 01 at 05:34 PM

Kimberly its been about a year since i stated endlessly consuming all the info i could find. Gaia has been my greatest resource so far. I was not ready for unifyd before lol but i feel ive graduated a bit 🤣 ive just gotten to their library i am spirtually devouring with zeal


Apr 01 at 05:32 PM

I first read the celestine prophecy, then gaia, then here. But i was awake before then without realizing that all these strange insights i was using to write and teach myself were really downloads i was recieving as i became more self-aware. Please if nothing else read the celestine prophecy and draw your own conclusions before you decide to consume other conspiracy minded people are selling you fear without much hope. There is nothing but hope. Envisioning you right now with all your spiritual blocks gone. I wish you so much love and hope.


Mar 31 at 04:14 PM

Pete and Roxy i feel having your entire library to consume at 15 a month is vastly more reasonable than say, "know the only truth" with a scant amount of pages for forty-something dollars with a much lower reply value than these engaging and mind expandijg programs you offer. I for one thank you for helping me on my own journey.
