
Sep 09 at 05:57 PM

UNIFYD TV will do 🤓


Scary...I won't buy these vaccines having cures anymore.


Sep 09 at 12:42 PM

I have so many questions already. But one thing that called my attention is the part where Jason asks: How can a soul be erased if energy cannot be created or destroyed? I had this same exact question when I read "The Pyramid Code". Because Ray wrote that "Whoever does not reach the 5th dimension will simply become extinct from the Universe and will not reincarnate anymore."

Is this the same answer? That's when God comes in? I am intrigued 🤔

I am loving this episode so far. 🩵

Sep 07 at 08:15 PM

Hi Michael, all Jason's books are on Amazon. Hope this helps :)


Sep 07 at 05:58 PM

Being raised Christian and questioning the bible since I was a little girl. After I turned 18 years old I started watching documentaries about aliens, secret societies and reading metaphysical and philosofical books. 2008 was the beginning of my rabbit hole journeys 🤓🐰


Sep 06 at 06:00 PM

Lifepath 6


Sep 04 at 08:52 PM

What Unifyd represents for me is a place where I can connect with like minded individuals and be part of this mission of oneness. Working together towards the age of love as the the veil is lifted from our eyes. A platform where we are learning more about ourselves, the world around us, and how we are evolving as energetic and spiritual beings having this 3D experience.

I missed this MNL. I love this topic as I have experienced paranormal activity myself. Some say I am an intuitive and can pick up on energy. I never really pursued it. But I remember hearing a voice speak to me between being awake and asleep state of mind. And I could clearly hear the voice as it woke me up. Pretty much giving me a message. Among many other experiences. Loved this interview 👍🏻

Much love! 🫶🏻


Sep 03 at 03:49 PM

Courage, Meditating, Healing


Sep 02 at 11:47 AM

Hello Unifyd family,

As a child living in the caribbean. I grew up in a house with a zinc ceiling. The house was in good shape as my father was a carpenter. Nonetheless, I remember waking up in the middle of the night after having a dream and seeing three aliens looking down at me. But that's all I remember about the dream. I do recall hearing something hovering over the ceiling outside. I can describe it as sound healing when bowls are used. I woke my sister up and asked her if she can hear it. She did but told me to ignore it. That's one of many expiriences I have had. Which had me researching about aliens since I was 17 years old till this day. 👽🛸
