
Sep 18 at 05:50 PM

Heart Chakra💚🔯

I need to connect more with my throat chakra💠



Sep 18 at 12:44 PM

I thought this song was beautiful! I wanted to share it with all of you! Much love to the unifyd family. God bless! 🤍✨️🙏🏻


Sep 18 at 12:30 PM

Derrick Graham yes honor him. Moving on doesn't mean you will forget him. However, try to stay positive in the process. Ask yourself what this is teaching you.

I also try to meditate, do yoga, sound healing or just go to the EES when I am feeling anxious or stressed. Maybe try one of those out and see how you feel. Journal and write down all you feel. I hope this helps and remember we are in this together. 🙂🤍✨️


Sep 17 at 11:44 PM

Derrick Graham i'm sorry to hear. I have had a lot of loss in my life as well. As a little girl I lost my grandma and saw her draw her last breath before my eyes. I honestly understand grief although we all experience grief differently. There are many other people I have lost and it can definitely take you to a dark place. I have been there myself. 

If there is something I am learning in this spiritual awakening is that people we called "friends" end up falling out of our lives for a reason. I have lost many friends myself in the process. However, I have hope because I choose to see the light in the darkness. Remember we are all here as a community. I am here and many others are here for you when you need to be heard. 

Much love to you Derrick. 🤍


Sep 17 at 03:04 PM

Beautiful message!! Much love and light to you

Sep 17 at 03:01 PM

We all have busy lives and all have our own baggage we carry. Although I am not as active as I wish I could be I wanted to say I care. And I hope you are able to one day come back. I feel alone as well but sometimes we need to be in solitude to find our tribe and be at peace in our own worlds. Much love and light sent your way✨️

Sep 17 at 02:52 PM

Of course! If animals are second density beings, I don't see why they can't evolve like us humans do. Unless Big Foot is just a scientific experiment it still pretty real in my opinion.


Sep 16 at 10:01 PM

♒️🌙 Aquarius Moon in the 5th house


Sep 14 at 09:52 PM

2015 when my first separation happened and when I started to awaken into this spiritual journey. ❤️‍🩹✨️


Sep 10 at 10:52 PM

My hometown was Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Welcome! 🤓