

Jul 06 at 08:42 PM

Finally finished "Rays of Knowledge" (that was an amazing book that made me question a lot of things). Ready to read "The Pyramid Code".🤓📚


Jun 29 at 11:21 PM

I jumped from one memory to the next. It was so weird. I remembered part of my past life in Ancient Kemet(Egypt) I heard the word Kemet instead. And I am not sure who I was yet. But someone connected to the Pharaohs? I have to try again sometime. This was interesting...


Jun 13 at 03:57 PM

Jason, I am loving this new season! I am understanding the book "Rays of Knowledge" as I watch these. I have also been a dreamer where most of my dreams either come true or are messages from the spirit world. I have also dreamed with ET's and some of those seemed very real to me. I used to always keep a dream journal next to me for that reason. I am going to start doing that again. Thank you for this very helpful imformation. Much love and light🫶🏻✨️


Jun 03 at 11:27 PM

Hi Nicole! I use the application called "Sky Map" it will help you see what planets, constellations or stars may be visible depending on the area you are located. I used to use this app a lot back then when I owned a telescope. Will be purchasing one again. It's so nice to know that part of Canada has such visibility. Hope this helps! Much love and light 🙏✨️


Jun 03 at 10:11 PM

Using this app to see where the planets are aligned tonight. Not visible in my area yet. But this is such a beautiful celestial event. 🤓🌌👽✨️


May 31 at 03:59 PM

This is crazy! It's all monopoly 🤯

May 30 at 04:26 PM

I know I got really sick in December 2019. I had all the symptoms of covid but I didn't know of it of course until 2020. But I could have sworn I saw on the internet in January 2020 an article about "a new virus" found. But didn't see it again and then the plandemic started in March 2020. It's interesting to know this was already planned since before. 🤔 And I even told my family that 2020 was a weird year because everything was happening one thing after another with the fires and so on.


May 30 at 07:27 AM

Starting to read this book finally! I can't put it down when I start reading it. But can only read it at my own pace because mom life lol.
Love it so far Jason Shurka ✨️🙏🫶🏻

May 28 at 12:33 PM

I am glad I caught up with this live. I couldn't finish watching it yesterday. So much imformation that to me sounds so accurate. As a woman who used to read books by Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken, I completely agree with most of this. But also learned a few new things. Thank you UNIFYD TV and Jason Shurka for bringing Billy Carson along this amazing journey. 🙏🫶🏻✨️


May 12 at 01:21 PM

Thank you UNIFYD TV 🫶🏻🤍✨️

Happy mothers day to all the women in this community! 💐
