
Appleton, WI, United States

Sep 03 at 02:06 PM

R if you'd like to discuss further let me know 😊

Sep 03 at 02:03 PM



Aug 27 at 03:12 PM

R 👍🏽🖖🏽


Aug 27 at 03:09 PM

R it's hard to explain. It's the way they look, the behaviors. Mannerisms. I've seen it several times with ppl in two different states. Also an odor. That is very strong. Doesn't go away even after showering. I mean it's STRONG. there's a few others but it's changed my life. I never believed in this sorta thing until I witnessed it myself.

It was freaky yet I wasn't so much scared...well screw that I was scared. Lol. Im not scared anymore but when this was new to me it was.

Aug 26 at 05:41 PM

I was hospitalized right at the beginning of covid. I was on a few meds, including antibiotics and pain meds. I had this jerk for a doctor. he said he was sending me to a nursing home, I was like 47 roughly . I refused to go because I was uncertain why he wanted me to go. When he got wind of my choice to NOT go to a nursing home for a couple of weeks, he stormed in my room ( literally) stomping his feet like a toddler and threatened to cut off my meds if I refused to go. wtf???

I ended up going, he withheld my pain meds but agreed to give me the antibiotic again. I was released to the whole walmart no toilet paper craziness..... 

and when I say this doctor was throwing a tantrum.....no mistake. it was CRAZY!!!!!And I was put on restriction so that anytime I got off my bed, alarms went off......WHAT?????!!!!! 

I am very sad to hear this story of Grace, I have no doubt that this father is telling the truth and not over re acting. IM am very sorry for your loss. 

Commented on 👁

Jul 22 at 04:27 PM

Back when this happened, I would have thought he was nuts. I love MJ and don't believe rumors. With that said, since then I've been a targeted person and I have no idea why. But it's scary as hell. I'm single. A woman. I can't believe that even with the resources that he had that he felt so much fear. I understand that with his life comes higher risk but still remains the same, he still lives in fear. I know that fear. I can't compare to the level of his. None the less, no one should have to feel fear.

Our world is SOOOOO messed up.


Jul 20 at 09:13 PM

Yep. Jail certainly works. Can do it blind blindfolded. With a smile. Not by choice, but ya know .... It might be a cool chicken. Lol

Jul 20 at 05:28 PM

Jul 19 at 09:17 PM

All of them


Jul 19 at 09:04 PM

Hi Ray.
