Heather Lewis

May 18 at 01:50 PM

Dreams are much more than fears and premonitions. Your spirit is flying, witnessing real events, helping if possible. Have you ever been half asleep and half awake only to remember, oh yeah I'm half asleep which means I can fly and then you start Levitating? Dreams are just as real as this reality. Of course there are some that are just your mind rambling on from a movie you fell asleep to or a long day, but for me most are so real.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

May 17 at 01:03 PM

Thanks so much! I love y'all!

The honesty, the truth.... y'all are brilliant

And I am so grateful for the guidance, the help. Thanks so much for strengthening my mind, my spirit, to enable me to strive for the best most positive. Much Love to all y'all! Besos


Apr 27 at 01:46 PM

Nandi Sz I feel an enlightened being will choose to come back continuously to benefit the wisdom of the whole. All of our experiences are of equal importance because no 2 beings can experience the same thing. We all learn from each other's life experiences. I am very grateful that no one has to experience what I have in this lifetime, y'all can simply learn by watching mine. If I die before Love rules then I will continue to choose hard lives because by me experiencing hardships means that no one else has to.


Apr 26 at 07:31 PM

I just saw Las Vegas missing kids posted on reddit and about 3/4 of them disappeared in the year 2020. I know the psychopaths planned covid and they must've also used it to steal kids, maybe this is why such great action was taken in the following years. I want to thank all TLS members and all the beings who have so honorably helped so many. Much Love to you all!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Apr 26 at 05:58 PM

I agree that the extraterrestrials are loving and kind. The most beautiful dream I have ever had was beautiful blue beings and this was 25 years ago when I was pregnant with my 24 year old son, long before the avatar movies. They were human form, the color of Krishna, very tall, the man had short black hair and the woman had long flowing silver hair, they were flying above me, they embraced right above me, and we're glowing when they did, I felt that I was one of them, we were all reuniting, most joyous and loving feeling. They were there to help me, I won't go into detail cause the story is too long. They are such beautiful, amazing, loving and helpful beings, I am forever grateful. Much Love to everyone!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Apr 26 at 05:41 PM

I also do not feel that your sleep paralysis dream was extraterrestrials. When I was 14 living in a tiny town in New Mexico I had a sleep paralysis dream, where a black cloud with a human form floated through my bed room window and raped me, I could not move or scream, then men climbed in the same window and I was then raped by an ugly old white man then another ugly old white man and then finally the headmaster of the school I had attended, I orgasmed while the headmaster was raping me, I still could not move or speak. I awoke the next morning with a lot of vaginall pain and soreness. I soaked for hours in a bath the next day. Now I think the black form that floated through the window and assaulted me first could have been the negative energy and intent of the rapists. Or some sort of dark magic that caused me to not be able to move or scream. My soul was in my body, cause I have had other dreams floating above my body.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Apr 26 at 04:57 PM

Las Vegas valley


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Apr 24 at 06:02 PM

Thank y'all so much, that was beautiful. I knew there was infinite colors, lol. I can talk to spirits that are on the other side. I Just have to ask a question, sometimes focus on that question, then listen really hard until I hear an answer. Yall are amazing and what yall say rings true. Much Love to y'all! Besos


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Apr 22 at 11:07 PM

Sylvia Browne wrote many great books, she could hear her Spirit Guide. She states that most souls won't even come to planet Earth, she calls us warrior souls. She said we choose when and where to come down and if we want to come at all. We plan from the other side sometimes too hard of a life believing we will be able to handle it, knowing that no one else will ever have to experience what we put ourselves through because they can learn it from our life. She also said that we all have at least one Spirit guide and at least one guardian Angel in this life who are with us at all times. She could tell who was evil because they did not have a guide or angel with them, these evil spirits do not get to choose when and where they want to be born, after they die they go to a council of 12 beings that send them almost immediately back into utero, to be born over and over again until they believe in Love. I believe this to be true, especially after listening to people's near death experiences..

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Apr 22 at 09:58 PM

I believe I was induced to sleep. This was about 7 years ago in southern Oregon, my children and I were homeless so we were in my car facing Lithia park, my 2 year old was asleep in my arms, I'm in the drivers seat and it was about 2:30am, then walking on the side walk strolls what looks like a 10 year old, the being was about the height of a 10 year old with what looked like a thick black Carhart jumpsuit on and a black oval helmet. The helmet had a square in the front of it that was a different color black, still not see through though. I'm thinking what is this 10 year old doing out so late on a weekday. As the being passed by the front of my car I noticed that the being had a tiny waist, comparable to the size of my wrist. I'm thinking no human has a waist that tiny, I should take a picture with my phone, right when I think this the helmet turns to look at me and I immediately fell asleep even though I was not sleepy at all, I awoke at sunrise with my baby girl still in my arms.